wellsianadj. 威爾斯的(英國作家);威爾斯作品的
1.He does follow that Wellsian tactic of making extraordinary things happen in ordinary circumstances. 索亞說道:「他遵循了威爾斯的寫作手法,讓不尋常的事件發生在尋常的背景下。
2.we are now thrusting forward to the stars, and the conquest of space no longer strikes us as Wellsian or Jules Vernian. 所以正在向星球挺進,征服宇宙已不再像威爾斯或朱爾斯·凡爾納的作品那樣使我們吃驚了。
3.Even at aircraft speeds, the time dilation in a typical journey amounts to just a few nanoseconds—hardly an adventure of Wellsian proportions. 就以飛機的速度來算,時間膨脹在一般的飛航旅程中也只有數奈秒而已,比起威爾斯那類的歷險來,根本是小巫見大巫了。