





n. bureau ,dresser ,pectus ,thorax


chest[tʃest]n. 胸,胸部;衣櫃;箱子;金庫


chest 胸部;箱子;櫃子;胸腔;pigeon chest 雞胸;雞胸,胸骨凸出畸形;胸骨凸出畸形;釋義:雞胸;chest piece 胸襯;chest pain 胸痛;胸部疼痛;胸 口 痛;胸 痛;chest lead 胸前導程;胸導程;胸部導出;胸導聯;


1.Think of my head on your chest. 想到我的頭枕在你的胸膛上。

2.Round and round the oatmeal chest. 圍著燕麥片箱子跳個不已。

3.The device the doctor put in her chest regulates her heartbeats. 醫生放在她胸部裡面的裝置可以調節心跳。


He gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. - 他給我做了X光檢查並且量了我的血壓。

The sea bed was scoured with powerful nets and there was tremendous excitement on board went a chest was raised from the bottom. - 他們用結實的網把海床搜索了一遍。

Though the crew were at first under the impression that the lost ship had been found, the contents of the chest proved them wrong. - 當一隻箱子從海底被打撈上來時,甲板上人們激動不已。船員們開始認為沉船找著了,但海底沉箱內的物品證明他們弄錯了。

The chest contained the personal belongings of a seaman, Alan Fielding. - 木箱內裝有水手艾倫。菲爾丁的私人財物,


chest; chest and palms and soles - 五心

anterior chest wall syndrome - 前胸壁綜合征

dyspnea with chest distension - 喘脹

the head and chest are wounded due to concussion - 頭、部胸震傷

be easy to cause chest distress - 容易引起胸悶

relieving the chest stuffiness; soothe the chest oppression; soothing the chest opression - 寬胸

relieve stuffiness of the chest and reduce mass - 寬胸散結

locked chest due to cold - 寒實結胸

chest pain radiating to the back - 心痛乇背

chest pain radiating to the back - 心痛徹背

cry of infant due to pain in the chest or abdomen - 心腹痛啼

stagnation of qi in the chest and abdomen - 心腹結氣

as a method of physical examination; palpating the chest and abdo men; palpating the chest and abdomen - 按胸腹

chest pain aroused by emotional factors - 氣心痛

mass-miniature chest radiography - 群體胸部縮微X線攝影

mass-miniature chest radiography - 群體胸部縮微x線攝影

chest and right arm - 胸右臂導聯

chest wall; thoracic wall - 胸壁

congenital deformity of chest wall - 胸壁先天畸形

cyst of chest wall - 胸壁囊腫

cold abscess of chest wall - 胸壁寒性膿腫

giant cell tumor of chest wall - 胸壁鉅細胞瘤

foreign body of chest wall - 胸壁異物

malignant tumor of chest wall - 胸壁惡性腫瘤

war injury of chest wall - 胸壁戰傷

actinomycosis of chest wall - 胸壁放線菌病

gumma of chest wall; syphiloma of chest wall - 胸壁梅毒瘤

chest lateral knife - 胸壁橫切刀

disease of chest wall; disease of thoracic wall - 胸壁疾病

fistulectomy of chest wall - 胸壁瘺管切除術

sebaceous cyst of chest wall - 胸壁皮脂囊腫

mycotic infection of chest wall - 胸壁真菌感染

neuroma of chest wall - 胸壁神經瘤

fibrosarcoma of chest wall - 胸壁纖維肉瘤

thoracic tuberculosis; tuberculosis of chest wall - 胸壁結核

tumor of chest wall - 胸壁腫瘤

lipoma of chest wall - 胸壁脂肪瘤

benign tumor of chest wall - 胸壁良性腫瘤

cellulitis of chest wall - 胸壁蜂窩織炎

angioma of chest wall - 胸壁血管瘤

metastatic tumor of chest wall - 胸壁轉移性腫瘤

chest wall malacia - 胸壁軟化

soft tissue wound of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織創傷

defect of soft tissue of chest wall - 胸壁軟組織缺損

chondroma of chest wall - 胸壁軟骨瘤

chondrosarcoma of chest wall - 胸壁軟骨肉瘤

osteoma of chest wall - 胸壁骨瘤

osteosarcoma of chest wall - 胸壁骨肉瘤

chest electrode - 胸廓電極

chest support for thoracoplasty - 胸整型術胸部支撐器


n.胸悶 - a stuffy feeling in the chest

n.胸壁放線菌病 - actinomycosis of chest wall

n.水結胸 - accumulation of fluid in the chest

n.結胸,氣實結胸 - accumulation of heat in the chest

n.結胸 - accumulation of pathogens in chest

n.小結胸 - accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest

麻醉開胸 - anesthetized open chest

n.胸壁血管瘤 - angioma of chest wall

前胸壁 - anterior chest wall

n.前胸壁綜合征 - anterior chest wall syndrome

n.桶狀胸 - barrel chest

n.容易引起胸悶 - be easy to cause chest distress

n.鍾型胸件 - bell type chest piece

n.胸壁良性腫瘤 - benign tumor of chest wall

n.血結胸 - blood stasis in the chest

n.甘疽 - cellulitis of chest

n.胸壁蜂窩織炎 - cellulitis of chest wall

n.胸悶 - choking sensation in chest

n.胸壁軟骨瘤 - chondroma of chest wall

n.胸壁軟骨肉瘤 - chondrosarcoma of chest wall

胸圍 - circumference of chest

胸外心臟按摩,閉胸心臟按壓 - closed chest cardiac massage

n.胸肋內傷 - closed injury of chest and hypochondrium

鞋匠胸,漏斗胸 - cobbler's chest

n.胸壁寒性膿腫 - cold abscess of chest wall

n.胸壁先天畸形 - congenital deformity of chest wall

n.心腹痛啼 - cry of infant due to pain in the chest or abdomen

n.胸壁囊腫 - cyst of chest wall

n.胸壁軟組織缺損 - defect of soft tissue of chest wall

n.胸壁疾病 - disease of chest wall

n.胸悶脹痛 - distending pain and oppression in the chest

n.乾燥箱 - drying chest

n.五心煩熱 - dysphoria with feverish sensation in chest

n.喘脹 - dyspnea with chest distension

n.胸背肌肉訓練器 - exercise unit for chest and back muscles

n.胸中痞硬 - feeling of stuffiness and choking in chest

n.胸痞 - feeling of stuffiness in chest

n.胸壁纖維肉瘤 - fibrosarcoma of chest wall

n.胸壁瘺管切除術 - fistulectomy of chest wall

連枷狀胸 - flail chest

n.扁平胸 - flat chest

n.胸部透視 - fluoroscopy of chest

n.胸壁異物 - foreign body of chest wall

凹陷胸,漏斗胸 - foveated chest

n.胸膺 - front part of chest

n.胸脅脹滿 - fullness in the chest and hypochondrium

n.胸滿 - fullness sensation in chest

n.凹陷胸 - funnel chest

n.胸壁鉅細胞瘤 - giant cell tumor of chest wall

n.胸壁梅毒瘤 - gumma of chest wall


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