antisubmarine['ænti,sʌbmə'ri:n]adj. 反潛艇的,對抗潛艇的
antisubmarine 對抗潛艇的;反潛飛彈;反潛艇;反潛柴油機艦艇動力裝置噪音的振動的控制, 反潛艦艇動力裝置,;antisubmarine aircraft 反潛艇飛機;反潛飛機;antisubmarine cabinet 反潛艙;反潛聽音室;antisubmarine torpedo 反潛魚雷, 反潛魚雷,;反潛魚雷;反潛魚雷, 反潛魚雷,;antisubmarine missile 反潛(艇)導彈;
1.This paper demonstrates the probability model of antisubmarine helicopter radar in searching submarine, and gives the applicable conditions of the model. 通過論證反潛直升機使用雷達離散搜索時發現潛艇的概率模型,給出該模型的適用條件。
2.During the early months of the war she engaged in patrol, escort, and antisubmarine duties throughout the southwest Pacific as a unit of Destroyer Squadron 2
9. 在她參與巡邏戰爭的上月期間, 護航, 和反潛艇責任在西南太平洋過程中作為單位驅逐艦分譴艦隊29 。
3.The sonar devices are assembled in the domes of the naval ship to detect the object under water, which are the important detection windows for antisubmarine systems. 摘 要 水面艦艇的球鼻艏導流罩內裝有探測水下目標的聲吶裝置,它是反潛作戰系統的探測窗口。