Romatic Moments 浪漫時光;Romatic Africa 浪漫非洲;slow romatic 音樂:;Romatic dreams must die 浪漫的美夢也會消逝;romatic of three kingdoms 三個王國的羅曼史(《三國演義》),我暈!;三個王國的羅曼史(居然是《三國演義》,我……);三個王國的羅曼史(居然是《三國演義》!);三個王國的羅曼史(《三國演義》),;
1.You can see that, for my desire, and for my romatic nature. I've paid a real price. 可以看出,為了慾望和浪漫的天性,我的確付出了代價。
2.Other studies have shown that people with romatic rheumatic diseases often have low levels of Vitamin vitamin D. 其他的研究表明風濕病患者體內的維他命D含量通常較低。
3.The first day of a long awaited romatic holiday at Loch Lomond had finally arrived and, even in the rain, I felt enchanted. 等待以久的洛蒙德湖浪漫假期終於到來,儘管置身雨中,我覺得我已給它深深吸引住了…