sun-resistant 防曬的;
1.Soil requirements of the poor in the Micro and Micro-alkaline soil in growth can not drought-resistant, for fear the scorching sun exposure. 對土壤要求不嚴,在微酸和微鹼性土中均能生長,不耐旱,怕烈日暴曬。
2.It is heat-resistant, durable, has high degree of adapting capacity, sound-proof, anti-frosting and able to reduce the radiation of the sun. 具有很強的隔熱性、耐久性和適應性的采光節能防噪聲功能、防結霜,降低陽光輻射等功能。
3.It is heat-resistant, durable, has high degree of adapting capacity, sound-proof, anti-frosting and able to reduce the radiation of the sun. 具有很強的隔熱性、久性和適應性的采光節能防噪聲功能、結霜,降低陽光輻射等功能。