bootleg 拒爆炮眼;私賣;制後論急轉彎;私制唱片;bootleg duck 制靴帆布;bootleg jeans 微喇;bootleg wages 私定工資;bootleg liquor 私酒;
1.The police confiscated a considerable amount of bootleg wine recently around Taiwan. 警方在全台各地查獲了大量的私釀酒。
2.Bootleg movies are not a matter of life and death, and they can be obtained even more easily and anonymously than drugs. 盜版電影不是關乎生死的事情,相比藥物來說,它們更容易不為人知地獲得。
3.Chinese internet users can readily find websites showing the expurgated parts of "Lust, Caution". Uncensored bootleg copies are peddled on the streets. 中國的網民可以輕易的在網上看到【色戒】中刪除的幾段,完整版的盜版碟也在市面上隨處可見。
4.Suppose, for instance, you took a draught of what you believed to be pure "bootleg" whisky, but which in reality was no more than wood alcohol. 打個比方,假如你喝了一口「走私的」威士忌酒,還自以為很純,但是這酒實際上只不過是甲醇。
5.Unless you wish to join the spiritual ranks of bootleg Viagra peddlers and Nigerian "princes, " indiscriminate email blasts to one's acquaintances is never copacetic. 除非你希望加入非法兜售偉哥的小販和尼日利亞王子的精神隊伍,(那麼)不加選擇地群發電子郵件給一個人的熟人,絕不妥當。