boubou['bu:bu:]n.(西非男女穿的)寬大長袍,博博袍,布布裝[亦作 bubu]
boubou (西非男女均可穿的)寬大長袍;非洲人穿的長袍;JAN08 BOUBOU 小朋友巧連智寶寶版08年1月號唱唱跳跳DVD;MAR08 BOUBOU 小朋友巧連智寶寶版08年3月號;APR08 BOUBOU 小朋友巧連智寶寶版08年4月號唱唱跳跳DVD;Dieng Boubou Farba 迪昂·布布·法爾巴;
1.Boubou customers throughout all over, especially in Dongguan, Shenzhen-based Pearl River Delta. 客戶遍佈布全國各地,特別是東莞、深圳為基地的珠江三角洲。
2.On 63 bubu flower, parasitic seed, was Reinado destroyed four fifths of the blood, and casually out of a move, Boubou spent hung up. 上63布布花,寄生種子,被雷納多打掉五分之四的血,隨便出一招,布布花掛了。
3.second set covered windows for screens Boubou settlement of the total, multiplied by the total number of left-cut length, then use the cloth to draw curtains total volume. 第二步確定了遮蓋窗戶所需的簾布布幅總數,再用總數乘以簾布裁剪長度,便得出窗簾總的用布量。