Gramineaen. 禾本科;穎花科;稻科植物類
Gramineae 禾本科;稻科植物類;水禾;禾本科 穎花科;Gramineae or Poaceae 禾本科;Gramineae Triticum monococcum 一粒小麥;Gramineae-Bambusdideae 禾本科樿裱強?;
1.The gramineae weed in wheat fields in Xingtai was investigated by the method of random sampling and inverted W-sampling pattern. 採用隨機取點和倒置「W」取樣相結合的方法,對河北省邢台市麥田禾本科雜草進行了調查。
2.Results show that there are 66 weed species of 28 families, mainly Compositae and Gramineae, found in the seed production field. 結果表明:該基地計有28個科、66種雜草,其中以菊科和禾本科最多;
3.The host plants of aphids include 58 genera in 30 families, among which Gramineae, Moraceae, and Lauraceae have the highest aphid diversity. 現記載香港地區共有蚜蟲的寄主植物30科58屬,其中蚜科的寄主植物最為豐富,其次為扁蚜科和斑蚜科;