Nature and Human and Human Being Society 自然人和人類社會;Human Environment and Human Ecology 人類環境與人類生態學;Human and Nature in the Eyes of Marx and Engel--Viewpoints of Environmental Protection Law in the Effect of Labor From Ape to Human 馬克思、恩格斯眼中的人與自然--《勞動在從猿到人轉變過程中的作用》中的環保法思想;crime of abducting and trafficking human beings 拐賣人口罪;拐賣人口罪 (-:-;Human Genome Acronym List 人類基因組簡寫列表;
1.Human subjectivism is the human centered human centralism which plays leading role and has the dominant position on the relation of human and nature. 在人與自然的關係中處於支配地位發揮主導作用的是以人為中心的人類中心主義——人類主體主義。
2.Human-factors engineering: or human engineering or human factors engineering, Profession of designing machines, tools, and work environments to Best accommodate human performance and Behaviour. 人體工學:亦稱人類工程學或人機工程學,設計機器、工具和工作環境以最好地適應人們的操作和行為的專業。
3.Human-factors engineering: or human engineering or human factors engineering, Profession of designing machines, tools, and work environments to Best accommodate human performance and Behaviour. 人體工學:亦稱人類工程學或人機工程學,設計機器、工具和工作環境以最好地適應人們的操作和行為的專業。
4.Human resource theories emphasize particularly on human's instrumental values, and human development theories emphasize particularly on human as an end. 人力資源理論側重於人的工具性,人類發展理論側重於人的目的性。
5.For each human is a part of the human species, and each human therefore has inflicted such atrocities upon nature, upon Earth, and upon one another. 因為每一人類都是人類物種的一部份,而因此每一人類都對自然界、地球與彼此間造成了這樣的暴行。
He insists that politics will affect the human life deeply. - 他堅持說政治會對人類的生活產生深遠影響。
The cloning of human organs is controversial. - 人類器官克隆是極具爭議性的。
Could human beings one day be built on a production line just like any other products? - 人類是否有一天會如其它產品般在生產線上生產?
It's the language of human relationship that is based on trust, openness, and understanding. - 那就是基於信任、開放、和理解的人際關係的語言。
And I believe it is through this language of human relationship that our company has grown into what it is today. - 我相信利用這種人際關係的語言,我們的公司才發展到今日的規模。
Hope springs eternal (in the human breast). - 希望會產生,永遠無窮盡。
Human pride is human weakness. - 驕傲是人類的弱點。
Self-confidence is the first requisite to human greatness. - 人類的偉大,首要的是要有自信。
It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. - 她剛看見它,它就立刻逃走了。專家證實,美洲獅非被逼得走投無路,是決不會傷人的。
Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. - 許多人常常情願放棄較高的薪水以換取做白領工人的殊榮,此乃人之常情。
Cats never fail to fascinate human beings. - 貓總能引起人們的極大興趣。
In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human nature and have classified all our little weaknesses. - 做廣告的人在力圖勸說我們買下這種產品或那種產品之前,已經仔細地研究了人的本性,並把人的弱點進行了分類。
Beggars almost sell themselves as human being to arouse the pity of passers-by. - 好像只有流浪漢是個例外,乞丐出售的幾乎是他本人,以引起過路人的憐憫。
In seeking independence, they do not sacrifice their human dignity. - 在追求獨立自由的同時,他們並不犧牲為人的尊嚴。
Judges, however wise or eminent, are human and can make mistakes. - 法官無論如何聰明與有名,畢竟也是人,也會出差錯的。
Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference. - 獎懲的實施是不受人意志支配的。
While she always criticized the fickleness of human nature, she carried on an unrelenting search for the ideal servant to the end of her days, - 她一方面總是批評人的本性朝三暮四,另一方面她又持之以恆地尋找一個理想的傭人。
After jumping about on the carpet and twisting the human frame into uncomfortable positions, - 我在地毯上跳來蹦過去,扭曲身子,擺出各種姿勢,弄得渾身不舒服,
No human endeavor or thought would be unchanged by it. - 任何人類的努力和想法都會發生變化。」
Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race. - 因為它們能消滅那麼多的昆蟲,其中包括一些人類的大敵,
It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country. - 據估計,在英國蜘蛛一年裡所消滅昆蟲的重量超過這個國家人口的總重量。
Let us get down to fundamentals and agree that the young are after all human beings -- people just like their elders. - 承認青年人和他們的長輩一樣也是人。
To get a full appreciation of what this means we must turn first to some recent human inventions. - 要透徹理解這句話的意義,我們應先回顧一下人類最近的幾項發明。
But in an old man who has known human joys and sorrows, - 可是老年人已經飽嘗了人間的甘苦,
An individual human existence should be like a river---- - 個人的存在應該像一條河流,
It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings who run the machines, - 現代工業發展起來了,卻根本沒想到操作機器的人的本質。
This caused the construction of gigantic buildings where too large masses of human beings are crowded together. - 這樣就導致了許多摩天大廈拔地而起,大廈內眾多的人擠在一起。
On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or for sport, as in riding the bow waves of a ship. - 當它們偶爾把一個失去知覺的人推到岸邊時,更大的可能是出於好奇或遊戲,就像它們追逐被船首犁開的浪花一樣。
Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless. - 用對我們人類有意義的詞解釋美是沒有意義的。
At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. - 人體在12歲時是生命力最旺盛的時期。
the main complicating facts of human life must remain unintelligible. - 我們才能明白人類生活中主要的複雜現象。
Broadly speaking, human beings may be divided into three classes: those who are toiled to death, - 勞累至死的人、
A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being. - 她是一個天的教師,認為自己可以把一個聾盲人變成一個有用的人。
Annie was among the first to realize that blind people never know their hidden strength until they are treated like normal human beings. - 盲人只有受到同正常人一樣的待遇時,才能知道自己蘊藏的力量,安妮就是其中一位最先有此種認識的人。
Over the next thirty-two years he fought for human rights and the rights of workers who were badly treated by their employers. - 在後來的32年多的時間裡,他一直為爭取人權及那些受僱主虐待的工人們的權利而鬥爭。
Gandhi was much more than a clever lawyer, a fine speaker, a determined fighter for human rights and a political leader. - 甘地遠不只是一位聰明的律師,優秀的演說家,堅定的人權戰士與政治領導人。
human epithelial - 人上皮的
hgg; hrman gamma globulin; human gamma globulin - 人丙種球蛋白
human metaphase chromosome - 人中期染色體
human milk - 人乳
human papiloma virus - 人乳頭狀瘤病毒
human milk lysozyme - 人乳溶菌酶
human diploid cell - 人二倍體細胞
human diploid cells vaccine - 人二倍體細胞疫苗
human cryogenics - 人體冷凍學
human parasitology - 人體寄生蟲學
human engineering - 人體工程學
human morphology - 人體形態學
The human body is an organic whole - 人體是一個有機的整體
the vital qi of the human body - 人體正敢
identification of human remains - 人體殘骸鑒定
human lymphocytic antigen - 人體淋巴細胞抗原系統
coccidiosis; human coccidiosis - 人體球蟲病
human physiology - 人體生理學
human leukocyte locus - 人體白細胞位點
human leukocyte interferon - 人體白細胞干擾素
hla; human leucocyte antigen - 人體白細胞抗原
the genuine qi of the human body - 人體真元之氣
human histology - 人體組織學
human tolerance flux - 人體耐受輻射通量
human femoral artery - 人體股動脈
human proximal renal tubular epithelial antigen - 人體腎近曲小管上皮抗原
human embryology - 人體胚胎學
human anatomy - 人體解剖學
regiones corporis humani; regions of human body - 人體諸區
human defensive tissue - 人體防衛組織
human thyroid stimulating hormone; human thyroid stimulationg hormone - 人促甲狀腺激素
immunoreactive human calcitonin - 人免疫反應性降鈣素
human immune globulin; human immunoglobulin - 人免疫球蛋白
human whole serum - 人全血清
human hydatid fluid - 人包蟲囊液
human reovirus-like agent - 人呼腸孤病毒樣因子
human bite - 人咬傷
human laryngeal papillomatosis - 人咽部乳頭狀瘤病
hhg; human hypophyseal gonadotrophin; human pituitary gonadotropin - 人垂體促性腺激素
human pituitary folliclestimulating hormone - 人垂體濾泡刺激素
hot; human old tuberculin - 人型舊結核菌素
postmortem human kidney cells - 人屍體腎細胞
human fibroblast interferon - 人成纖維細胞干擾素
postmortem human kidney cells - 人死後的腎細胞
human lymphocyte locus a - 人淋巴細胞位點A
human lymphocyte histocompatibility antigen - 人淋巴細胞組織相溶性抗原
human lymphocyte transformation - 人淋巴細胞轉化
human specific thyroid stimulator; human-specific thyroid stimulator - 人特異性甲狀腺刺激物
human rabies immune globulin - 人狂犬病毒免疫球蛋白
hgh; human growth hormone - 人生長激素
n.人胎盤羊膜細胞 - amnioticcell of human placenta
人類染色體組解析材料 - analysis material for human genome
n.廣明 - anterosuperior part of the human body
n.同種人血清,自體人血清 - autologous human serum
染色休組自動解析系統 - automatic analysis system for human genome
n.人胎盤血白蛋白 - blood albumin of human placenta
n.百骸 - bones of human body
n.人類腫瘤的細胞週期 - cell cycle of human tumors
n.人類的染色體畸變 - chromosome aberrations in human
遺傳因子綜合研究開發進程 - Comprehensive Strategy for Promoting R&D on Human Genome Analysis
n.形,形體 - configuration and constitution of a human body
n.構成人體 - constitute the human body
n.去凝集人丙球蛋白 - deaggregated human gamma-globulin
n.人糞處理 - disposal of human excreta
n.埃可病毒,人腸道細胞病變孤病毒 - enteric cytopathogenic human orphan virus
n.人身精血 - essence and blood of the human body
冠動脈摘除 - extracred human coronary artery
人體感覺 - feeling unaided human senses
n.人體殘骸鑒定 - identification of human remains
n.人群免疫狀態 - immune state of human group
n.人免疫反應性降鈣素 - immunoreactive human calcitonin
n.免疫反應性人生長激素 - immunoreactive human growth hormone
人體內部 - inside of human body
n.碘化人白蛋白 - iodina ted human
n.磺化人血清白蛋白 - iodinated human serum albumin
n.百節 - joints of the human body
液體人血漿 - liquid human plasma
n.大顆粒人血清聚清蛋白 - macroaggregated human serum albumin
n.正常人血清 - normal human serum
裸(麼)酸 - nude-mouse-transplantable human esophagus tumor
n.磷脂,人屍體腎細胞 - postmortem human kidney cells
放射碘人血清白蛋白,放射性碘人血清白蛋白 - radioiodinated human serum albumin
n.建議人類劑量 - recommended human dose
n.人體諸區 - regions of human body
n.調整人的心理活動 - regulate human psychological activities
n.克制有害的情志活動 - restain harmful human emotional activities
n.人胎盤血丙種球蛋白 - serum gamma globulin of human placenta
n.合成人胃泌素 - synthetic human gastrin
n.人身精血 - the essence and the blood of th human body
n.人體真元之氣 - the genuine qi of the human body
n.人體是一個有機的整體 - The human body is an organic whole
n.人體正敢 - the vital qi of the human body
n.完整人體胚胎細胞 - whole human embryocell