ocelli[əu'selai]n. 單眼(ocellus的複數)
ocelli 眼斑狀;單眼;單眼, 眼點;dorsal ocelli 背單眼;Lateral ocelli 側單眼;adaptive ocelli 側單眼;pigment cup ocelli 色素杯狀眼點;
1.They also have three light sensors, called ocelli, on the tops of their heads, which tell them which way is up. 此外,蒼蠅頭頂上還有三個作為光感應器的單眼,能辨別哪邊是上面。
2.The insect nervous system is similar to that of other arthropods. Sensory structures include tympanal organs, compound eyes, and ocelli. 昆蟲的神經系統與其它節肢動物的神經相似,感覺結構包括聽器、複眼、和單眼。
3.In addition to its compound eyes, the mantis has three small ocelli – simple eyes used primarily as light sensors, which probably assist with stability in flight. 除了它的複眼外,它還有三個用於感受光線的單眼,可能用來保持飛行穩定性。