Pajero 帕傑羅;三菱帕傑羅;帕傑羅牌汽車;原裝進口帕傑羅;TAMIYA PAJERO 懷舊車;MITSUBISHI PAJERO 帕傑羅;三菱帕傑羅;三菱帕傑羅論壇;Pajero iO 獵豹飛騰;帕傑羅;Pajero Sport 帕傑羅"速跑;
1.The Pajero camp is buzzing with excitement, too, of course——if with a tense undercurrent of crossed fingers. 如果說帕傑羅展區(展區是根據上下文來的?)有著對好運的強烈的祈求,那麼它也同樣充滿著興奮。
2.One man in a Pajero said: "This disaster is at our door. We can't just look on and say we feel bad about it." 一名開著帕傑羅的男子說:」這場災難就發生在我們的家門口。我們不能僅僅冷眼旁觀著說」啊,這真是讓人傷感。
3.Changfeng Motors hopes that consumers in person, be able to fully understand the Changfeng section 08 Pajero excellent control and comfort. 長豐汽車希望通過消費者的親自,能夠充分瞭解08款長豐帕傑羅卓越的操控性及舒適性。