





a. previous ,untimely


a. full-term


premature[,premə'tjuə, ,pri:-]adj. 早產的;不成熟的;比預期早的n. 早產兒;過早發生的事物


Premature 早產兒;早產:;早熟的;太早的;Premature Babies 早產兒室;早產的嬰兒;早產兒;Premature ejaculation 早洩;射精過早;早洩;早洩,射精過早;premature systole 期前收縮;期前收縮, 額外收縮;過早收縮;釋義:期前收縮;premature incubator 早產嬰兒培養箱;


1.You do not feel that the premature display of your game is some risk? 你們不覺得過早的展示你們的遊戲很帶來一些風險嗎?

2.The milk bank transports the milk to the hospitals to feed premature and sick babies. 母乳銀行再把這些母乳運輸到醫院去餵養早產兒和生病的嬰兒。

3.Results: Show the dose, methods and side effects of recombinant human erythropoietin to premature infants with anemia. 結果展示人類重組紅細胞生成素在早產兒貧血中應用的劑量、法、作用。


premature triplet birth - 三胎早產

habitual premature labr - 習慣性早產

premature thelarche - 乳房早熟

premature eruption of deciduous tooth - 乳牙早出

premature loss of deciduous tooth - 乳牙早失

sympathetic premature beat - 交感過早搏動

junctional premature beat - 交接處過早搏動

junctional premature beat - 交界性期前收縮

threatened premature delivery pregnancy - 先兆早產妊娠

occasional premature beat - 偶發早搏

functional premature beat - 功能性早搏

premature ovaian failure - 卵巢功能早期衰退

premature ovarian failure - 卵巢早衰

bidirectional ventricular premature beat - 雙向性室性過早搏動

premature twin birth - 雙胎早產

multiple ventricular premature beat - 多發性心室過早收縮

ventricular extrasystole; ventricular premature beat - 室性早搏

ventricular premature contraction - 室性期前收縮

ventricular extrasystole; ventricular premature beat - 室性期外收縮

premature loss of permanent tooth - 恆牙早失

premature eruption of permanent tooth - 恆牙早萌

junctional premature contraction - 房室交界性期前收縮

interpolated premature beat - 插進性過早搏動

premature delivery premature birth; premature labor - 早產

premature; premature infant - 早產兒

premature birth living child - 早產活嬰

premature contact - 早接觸

premature contact of incline plane - 早期斜面接觸

premature ejaculation; prematureejaculation; prospermia; prrematurre ejaculation - 早洩

premature ageing; prematureageing - 早熟衰老症

premature ageing; prematureageing; senium praecox - 早老症

extra systole; premature beat; premature systole; prematurebeat - 期前收縮

premature chromosome condensation - 未成熟染色體濃縮

premature amniotic rupture - 瀝漿生

premature nodal contraction - 結節性期前收縮

premature rupture of amniotic membrane - 羊膜早破

abruptio placentae; premature separation of placenta - 胎盤早期剝離

premature ejaculation; prematureejaculation - 過早射精

extrasystole; premature beat; prematurebeat - 過早搏動

interval of premature beats - 過早搏動間期

extrasystole; premature beat; premature systole; prematurebeat - 過早收縮

premature lysis - 過早溶菌現象

premature loss - 過早缺失

premature pubarche - 陰毛早生

frequent ventricular extrasystoes; frequent ventricular premature beats - 頻繁室性早搏


心房期外收縮,心房期前收縮 - atrial premature beat

心房期外收縮 - atrial premature contraction

n.雙向性室性過早搏動 - bidirectional ventricular premature beat

n.頻繁室性早搏 - frequent ventricular premature beats

n.功能性早搏 - functional premature beat

n.習慣性早產 - habitual premature labr

n.插進性過早搏動 - interpolated premature beat

n.過早搏動間期 - interval of premature beats

n.交接處過早搏動,交界性期前收縮 - junctional premature beat

n.房室交界性期前收縮 - junctional premature contraction

n.多發性心室過早收縮 - multiple ventricular premature beat

節性過早收縮,結性期外收縮 - nodal premature beat

n.偶發早搏 - occasional premature beat

n.早產 - premature delivery premature birth

n.交感過早搏動 - sympathetic premature beat

n.先兆早產妊娠 - threatened premature delivery pregnancy

n.室性期外收縮,室性早搏 - ventricular premature beat

n.室性期前收縮 - ventricular premature contraction

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