abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;granulator knapper rock crusher stone breaker stone crusher stone crushing machine stone knapp 碎石機;abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;abrasive stone grinding stone oil stone sharpening stone whetstone 油石;abrasive stone buhrstone edgestone grinding stone grind stone holystone millstone quernstone rubbing brick sharpening stone 磨[刀]石;
1.Our company are majors in various kinds of slate…The major products are slate slab , cultural stone, net paste, stone mosaic, mushroom stone, cobble stone and so on. 公司主營板岩系列產品,主要產品有:板岩規格板、文化石、網貼、馬賽克、蘑菇石、鵝卵石等。
2.Ornamental stone is a natural stone work of art. It is classified into plastic stone, picture stone, crystal stone, fossil, souvenir stone and special stone. 從觀賞石是自然形成的具有觀賞價值的石質藝術品這一認識出發,將觀賞石分為造型石、圖紋石、礦物晶體石、古生物化石、紀念石和特殊石6大類。
3.Or, you can make a copy with cobble, it is batten shop again above cobble, certain distance keeps between every two batten, look resemble a ground of sidewards of a barrier, very interesting. 或者,你可以用石子做底,再把木條鋪在石子上面,每兩條木條之間留下一定距離,看上去像把一個柵欄橫著放在地上,很有趣。
4.Supply natural slate, cultural stone, classical stone, Machine-made Cobble Stone Etc. 大量提供各種天然板石、文化石、古典巖、機制卵石等。
5.According to the test, the stone axe, stone adzes and stone pestle, ceramic, stone, stone spear are Neolithic Age human production and consumption. 據考,石斧、石錛、石杵、石刀、石矛等打制石器,均是新石器時代人類的生產和生活資料。