





compound dynamo compound generator compound-wound dynamo 復激發電機;compound dynamo compound generator compound-wound dynamo 復激發電機;compound dynamo compound generator compound-wound dynamo 復激發電機;cumulative compound generator cumulatively-compound generator 積復勵發電機;compound motor compound-wound motor dual-field motor 復激電動機;


1.The compounds effecting the flavour of beer are alcohol, ester, carbonyl compound, organic acid, sulphur compound, volatile amine and phenol compound, etc. 影響啤酒風味的物質可分為醇、酯、羰基化合物、酸、含硫化合物、胺(揮發性)和酚基化合物等。

2.The compounds effecting the flavour of beer are alcohol, ester, carbonyl compound, organic acid, sulphur compound, volatile amine and phenol compound, etc. 影響啤酒風味的物質可分為醇、酯、羰基化合物、酸、含硫化合物、胺(揮發性)和酚基化合物等。

3.Diuretic, antihypertensive drug. Main preparations include hydrochlorothiazide tablet, compound anti hypertension tablet, compound apocynum tablet, compound captopril tablet etc… 利尿藥、抗高血壓藥主要制劑有氫氯塞秦片、復方降壓片、復方羅布麻片、復方卡托普利片等品種。

4.Diuretic, antihypertensive drug. Main preparations include hydrochlorothiazide tablet, compound anti hypertension tablet, compound apocynum tablet, compound captopril tablet etc… 利尿藥、抗高血壓藥主要制劑有氫氯塞秦片、復方降壓片、復方羅布麻片、復方卡托普利片等品種。

5.The replacement of indirect zinc oxide by nano-zinc oxide in the steel-bonded compound, shoulder compound and inner liner compound of radial truck tire was investigated. 對納米氧化鋅替代間接法氧化鋅在載重子午線輪胎鋼絲粘合膠、胎肩膠和氣密層膠中的應用進行了研究。


Libraries made education possible, and education in its turn added to libraries: the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound interest law, which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing. - 藏書使教育成為可能,而教育反過來又豐富了藏書,因為知識的增長遵循著一種「滾雪球」的規律。印刷術的發明又大大提高了知識增長的速度。


n. ternary compound system - 三元復合系統

compound fracture of upper and lower jaw - 上下頜聯合骨折

compound f 17-hydroxy-corticosterone; hydrocortisone - 化合物F

compound s; desoxycor tisone; desoxycortisone - 化合物S

n. compound superconductor - 化合物超導材料

compound fracture; open fracture - 哆開骨折

tetrahydro compound s - 四氫複合物S

tetrahydro compound s - 四氫複合物s

articulatio composita; compound articulation - 復關節

compound leaf - 復葉

composie filling resin; compound filling resin - 復合充填樹脂

compound filling liquid resin - 復合充填樹脂液

compound presentation - 復合先露

n. compound compact - 復合壓塑

n. compound blank and pierce dies - 復合坯和沖孔模

n. compound pilot die - 復合定位模

n. compound pilot die - 復合導向模

n. compound die - 複合式模具

compound aneurysm - 復合性動脈瘤

compound injury - 復合性損傷

compound hypermetropic astigma復合性遠視性散光 - 復合性遠視性散光

compound indicator - 復合指示劑

compound microscope - 復合顯微鏡

compound resin - 復合樹脂

n. compound lubricant - 復合潤滑劑

n. compound roll - 復合滾輪

n. compound green compact - 復合生坯塊

compound electric current - 復合電流

compound nevus - 復合痣

compound comminuted fracture - 復合粉碎性骨折

compound particle - 復合粒子

compound vascular bundle - 復合維管束

compound lipids - 復合脂類

compound protein - 復合蛋白

compound perimeter - 復合視野計

n. compound superconductor - 復合超導體

n. compound roll - 復合軋制

compound lens - 復合透鏡

compound tone - 復合音

compound granular corpuscle - 復合顆粒小體

combined pregnancy; compound pregnancy; heterotopic pregnancy - 復妊娠

n. compound die - 複式壓模

compound microscope - 複式顯微鏡

compound rectifying column - 複式精餾柱

compound astgmatism - 復性散光

compound myopic astigmatism - 復性近視散光

complex prescription; compound; compound prescripition; compound prescription - 復方

compound norgestrel tablets; tabellae norgestreli compositae - 復方18-甲基炔諾酮片

apc tablets; compound tablets of acetylsalcylic acid - 復方乙酰水楊酸片

compound tablets of schizandra - 復方五味子片


n.吸收化合物 - absorption compound

n.炔屬化合物 - acetylenic compound

n.吸附化合物 - adsorption compound

n.加成化合物 - addition compound

n.脂環化合物 - alicyclic compound

n.脂肪族化合物,脂族化合物 - aliphatic compound

n.脂肪族硝基化合物 - aliphatic nitro compound

n.烴基化物,烷基化合物 - alkyl compound

n.兩性化合物 - amphoteric compound

n.氨基化合物 - amino compound

抗應變性化合物 - antiallergy compound

抗不整脈化合物 - antiarrhythmic compound

n.抗癌化合物 - anticancer compound

抗腫瘤化合物 - antitumor compound

n.芳香族氨基化合物 - aromaic amino compound

n.芳香化合物 - aromatic compound

n.芳香硝基化合物,芳香族硝基化合物 - aromatic nitro compound

n.芳香亞硝基化合物 - aromatic nitroso compound

n.芳氧基化合物 - aryloxy compound

n.偶氮化合物 - azo compound

n.氧化偶氮化合物 - azoxy compound

n.二元化合物 - binary compound

二出羽狀復葉,二回羽狀復葉 - bipinnate compound leaf

鍋爐防垢 - boiler compound

n.支鏈化合物 - branched chain compound

n.化合物 - chemical compound

n.鏈化合物 - chain compound

螯合化合物,螯合物 - chelate compound

n.復方膽鹼 - choline compound

n.籠形物 - clathrate compound

n.洗滌劑 - cleaning compound

n.閉鏈化合物 - closed-chain compound

n.有色化合物 - colored compound

絡合化合物,絡合物 - complex compound

n.共軛化合物 - conjugated compound

接觸復合掃瞄 - contact compound scan

n.配位化合物 - coordination compound

n.共價化合物 - covalent compound

n.環狀化合物 - cyclic compound

n.道爾頓式化合物 - daltonian compound

二氫膽紅素化合物 - dihydropyridine compound

n.二元取代物 - disubstituted compound

n.電子俘獲化合物 - electron-capturing compound

n.缺電子化合物 - electron-defect compound

n.元素有機化合物 - elementary organic compound

n.吸熱化合物 - endothermic compound

n.酶標記化合物 - enzyme labeled compound

n.環氧化物 - epoxy compound

n.放熱化合物 - exothermic compound

n.脂肪族化合物 - fatty compound

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