





allowedadj. 允許,容許的v. 允許;認可(allow的過去分詞)


Allowed 允許;allowed band 容許能帶;允帶;容許帶;容許帶,公差帶;discounts allowed 銷貨折扣;購貨折扣;allowed level 容許能級;depreciation allowed 可提折舊額;


1.They allowed the children to go to the park. 他們讓孩子們到公園去。

2.Ball games are not allowed. 球類遊戲是不允許的。

3.Other characters are not allowed. 其他字元是不允許的。


Is smoking allowed on the train? - 火車上允許吸煙嗎?

Should children be allowed to watch violent movies? - 小孩可以看暴力片嗎?

Jeffrey was allowed to listen in on the committee's debate. - 傑夫裡被允許旁聽委員會的討論。

My father was shocked.Now we are not allowed to touch it. - 我父親大為吃驚,不許我們再動它。

He then asked when Mr.Gilbert would be allowed to go home and the doctor told him that he would have to stay in hosptial for another two weeks. - 然後他又問吉爾伯特先生什麼時候可以回家,醫生說他在醫院還必須再住上兩個星期。

However, he had at last been allowed to send a fax in which he informed the editor that the he had been arrested while counting the 1,084 steps leading to the fifteen-foot wall which surrounded the president's palace. - 不過,他終於獲准發回了一份傳真。在傳真中他告訴編輯,就在他數通向15英尺高的總統府圍牆的1,084級台階時,被抓了起來。

The dogs have greater freedom, too, for they are allowed to wander outside their enclosure. - 狗也比較自由,被放出圍欄,四處遛達。

Though my aunt pursued what was, in those days, an enlightened policy, in that she never allowed her domestic staff to work more than eight hours a day, she was extremely difficult to please. - 姑媽待傭人在當時算是開明的,從來不讓傭人每天工作超過8小時,但他們很難使她稱心如意。

The girl, tears streaming down her face, begged to be allowed to slip into the guard's van. - 女孩淚流滿面,央求讓她不聲不響地到押車員車廂裡去算了。

Am I allowed to stay out past 10? - 我可以十點過後再回家嗎?

Members of the press weren't allowed into the meeting. - 新聞記者不得進入會場。

Are we allowed to use the basin by the side of the cupboard? - 我們可以使用器皿櫃旁邊的那個水盆嗎?

In the end this political movement succeeded and Indians were allowed to make and sell salt. - 但最終這場政治運動以印度人獲准生產與銷售鹽而告成功。

I'm allowed to change the colour of my hair, she said angrily. - 我改變自己的髮色是允許的,"她憤怒地說。

Yes, but you're not allowed to sign your name Clare Flower if your name is Hope Darwin. - 對,但是,如果你叫霍普·達爾文而卻把自己的名字簽成克萊爾·弗勞爾則不是允許的。


allowed transition - 容許變遷

allowed transition - 容許躍遷

n. minimum allowed metal thickness - 最小可允許金屬厚度


n.對稱容許 - symmetry allowed

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