exonarthex 外門廳;
1.In byzantine churches the space is divided into two parts: An exonarthex forms the outer entrance to the Building and Bounds the esonarthex, which opens onto the nave. 在拜占庭教堂中,空間分為兩部分:外前廊形成整個建築的外部入口,與之相鄰的內前廊則通向中堂。
2.At the east end of the nave is the vaulted sanctuary apse and at the west end a great narthex or vestibule, beyond which an exonarthex opens to the forecourt, or atrium. 在中央廣場東部末端的半圓形後殿的拱狀避難所,在西部末端的教堂前廳或門廊,較遠一點的就是直達前院的教堂前廳,或者中庭。
3.At the east end of the nave is the vaulted sanctuary apse and at the west end a great narthex or vestibule, beyond which an exonarthex opens to the forecourt, or atrium. 在中央廣場東部末端的半圓形後殿的拱狀避難所,在西部末端的教堂前廳或門廊,較遙一點的就是直達前院的教堂前廳,或者中庭。