LEGO Batman 樂高蝙蝠俠;樂高版蝙蝠俠;樂高 蝙蝠俠;樂高蝙蝠俠 超全版本;Lego bricks 磚圖片;LEGO gadgets 真實的樂高玩具;LEGO LOCO 交通大使;Lego Martian 火星的圖片;
1.Online discussions will be held for the Entire group of Ambassadors that will include members of the LEGO Community Team and other LEGO Employees as well. 參加全體樂高大使的線上討論會,參與討論者還包含樂高公司的社群工作小組與其他樂高公司員工。
2.Using the LEGO camera and the LEGO film-maker software, every child can write the script, create the scene and shoot it to be a mini-film by himself. 「小導演」活動是讓孩子們自己編寫劇本,用樂高創造情景,並使用樂高攝像頭和樂高電影軟件,將他們拍攝成迷你小電影。
3.Michico : Actually you can see Lego is also scrupling to Adan's Hiss…but he just can't stop, because that tail tempted him too much. 小芥:其實你們可以看得出來樂高後來也很怕被哈,可是他就是沒辦法住手,那個尾巴就是在引誘他。
4.That is how he learned to walk, speak, read, write, build lego walls, set up train tracks, jump, run, and pedal. 我兒子就是通過這樣學習走路,講話,讀書,寫字,築牆(壘高拼裝玩具),拼接火車軌道(玩具),跳躍,奔跑以及騎單車。
5.Adan : Right now I still can't sleep or cuddle with Lego, because if he sees me, he will just like eating excitant and bother bother bother me all the time. 阿丹:我還是沒辦法跟弟弟趴在一起。因為他看到我就好像吃到興奮劑一樣睡不著。