





n. electric organ ,electronic organ ,harmonium ,pipe organ


organ['ɔ:ɡən]n. 器官;機構;風琴;管風琴;嗓音


organ 風琴;管風琴;器官;機關;government organ 官報;gustatory organ 味器;味覺瀑;味覺器官;味覺器;barrel organ 手搖風琴;鼓形風琴;手搖風琴筒風琴;手提管風琴;organ culture 瀑培養;器官培養;


1.He played a beautiful tune on the organ. 他用風琴演奏出一支動聽的曲子。

2.Sometimes the difficulties come from a weak organ. 有時候困難來自一個虛弱的器官。

3.Organ immediately report to their superiors what happened here. 風琴馬上向上級匯報這裡發生的情況。


Cloning technology is good news for those patients who need organ transplants. - 克隆技術對於那些需要器官移植的病人來說是個福音。


deiters cells; outer phalaneal cells of the organ of corti - 代特氏細胞

large intestine; organ in charge of transportation - 傳導之官

congeital absence of organ of corti - 先天性柯替氏器缺失

the organ in charge of water circulation - 決瀆之官

the hollow organ for cleaning up the wastes - 淨腑

organ receiving food content from the stomach - 受盛之腑

organ of mastication - 咀嚼器

organ of mastication - 咀嚼器官

organ specific antigen - 器官專有抗原

organ culture - 器官培養

organ circulation - 器官循環

organ level - 器官水平

organ perfusion - 器官灌洗

organ perfusion - 器官灌流

organ specificity - 器官特異性

organ specific antibody - 器官特異性抗體

organ specific antigen - 器官特異性抗原

organ physiology - 器官生理學

organ transplant; organ transplantation - 器官移植

organ agenesis - 器官缺失畸形

organ tolerance dose; otd - 器官耐受量

organ counting - 器官計數

organ counting detector - 器官計數探測器

multiple system organ failure - 多系統器官衰竭

organ of giraldes; paradidymis; parepididymes - 旁睪

onanf; organ non-specific anti-nuclear factor - 無臟器特異性抗核因子

organ of corti; organum spirale; spiral organ - 柯替氏器

absence of organ of corti - 柯替氏器缺失

organ of special sense - 特殊感覺器官

accessory organ of eye; argana oculi accessoria - 眼副器

isolated organ bath - 離體器官浴槽

epoophoron; organ of rosenmuller; organ of rosenmullers node - 羅森苗勒氏器

computer tomography isotope scanning; organ imaging - 臟器顯像

organ transplantarion - 臟器移植

organ coefficient; organ relative weight - 臟器係數

organ non-specific antinuclear factor - 臟器非特異性抗核因子

acoustic organ; organ of corti; spiral organ - 螺旋器

organ of regulation; regulative organ - 調節器官

yangming fu organ disease; yangming hollow-organ disease - 陽明腑病

yangming fu organ disease - 陽明腑證

jacobson`organ; jacobsons organ vomeronasal organ; vomeonasal organ - 雅各布遜氏器


腹部器官 - abdominal organ

n.柯替氏器缺失 - absence of organ of corti

n.輔助器官,附屬器 - accessory organ

n.眼副器 - accessory organ of eye

輔助起搏器官 - accessory pulsatory organ

n.螺旋器,聽器 - acoustic organ

n.固著器官 - adhesive organ

n.造釉器 - amelogenic organ

環螺旋器 - annulospiral organ

n.同功器官 - analogous organ

動物器官 - animal organ

頂器官 - apical organ

同化器官 - assimilatory organ

n.人工臟器,人造器官 - artificial organ

n.聽覺器官 - auditory organ

n.中軸器官 - axial organ

n.平衡器官 - balnce organ

n.柏氏器 - berleses organ

n.毀血器官 - blood destroying organ

n.器官,造血器官 - blood forming organ

造血器官 - blood-forming organ

鰓器 - branchiogenic organ

n.囊等同器官,腔上囊等同器官 - bursa equivalent organ

n.細胞器 - cell organ

n.中樞免疫器官 - central immune organ

n.中樞淋巴器官 - central lymphoid organ

大腦感覺器官 - cerebral sense organ

弦音器 - chordotonal organ

循環器官 - circulatory organ

n.室周器官 - circumventricular organ

n.連合纖維 - commissural organ

n.先天性柯替氏器缺失 - congeital absence of organ of corti

n.先天性淚器畸形 - congenital anomaly of lacrimal organ

n.裡急 - contraction of genital organ

n.交合器,交接器官 - copulatory organ

cortl器官 - Corti organ

n.關鍵器官,關健器官 - critical organ

n.衍化器官 - derived organ

皮膚器官 - dermal organ

n.發育器官 - development organ

n.消化器 - digestive organ

n.效應器官 - effector organ

n.放電器官 - electric organ

n.終器 - end organ

n.腹膜內位器官 - endo-peritoneal organ

胚胎器官 - embryonic organ

n.釉質器 - enamel organ

內分泌器官 - endocrine organ

n.排泄器官 - excretory organ

n.腹膜外位器官 - extra-peritoneal organ


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