cortile[kɔ:'ti:lei]n. (意)內院;庭院
cortile 中庭;院子 庭院;意庭院;atrium cortile 中庭;Cortile Ottagono 八角庭院;Cortile della Pigna 中庭;松果庭院;adytum cortile garth 內院;
1.A Spanish development of the Roman atrium, it is comparable to the Italian cortile but provides more seclusion, possibly due to Moorish custom. 是由羅馬中庭發展而來的西班牙式建築,與義大利中庭相似,但是比較隱蔽,可能是由於摩爾人的習慣所致。
2."Cortile Construction"has been one of the construction styles being developed aggressively since the skyscrapers were built one hundred years ago. 「中庭建築」是一百年前摩天大樓出現之後發展得最快的建築形式之一。
3.For the reasons of station location and underground pipelines, a special design for the cortile of a metro station is carried out to create a pleasant feeling of space. 介紹某地鐵車站因站位設置及管線原因採用特殊的中庭方案,以獲得良好的空間感覺。