GWabbr. 十億瓦特(gigawatt);毛重(Gross Weight);制導武器(Guided Weapon)
gw 幾內亞比紹; 激戰;幾內亞比紹共和國;十億瓦;GW - 制導武器,導彈;GW basic 我使用的軟件;GW gw 幾內亞比紹?;Serving GW 服務閘道器;服務網關;
1.As long as you keep smart about your decisions, anyone can have a blast while at GW, but still be successful! 只要你保持你的聰明的決定,任何人都可以有一個歡樂的大學生活,但未來仍然是成功的!
2.GW: I'd want that manager to be a congruent, adult human being, capable of learning from others and his or her own mistakes. 溫伯格:我希望這位經理言行一致、成熟,能夠向他人東莞酒店預訂學習,從他/她的錯誤中吸取教訓。
3.I am proud of my GW education. I could have gone to many other schools, but the experiences I had while at GW are irreplaceable. 我對於喬治華盛頓大學的教育很自豪。我也可以去許多其他學校,但以我的經驗,喬治華盛頓大學是不可替代的。