





Harry Alder 埃爾德;哈瑞·阿德爾;阿爾德;哈利·奧爾德;Harry Atwater 哈里·阿特沃特;Harry Beaumont 貝蒙特;哈利·畢蒙特;博蒙特;Harry Bliss 布裡斯;Broomsticks in Harry Potter 飛天掃帚;


1.Harry: Harry Bennett. Is this Susan? 班尼特。哈利。你是蘇珊嗎?

2.Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who plays Harry Potter, has signed up for the sixth and seventh Harry Potter movies. 飾演哈利波特的丹尼爾.雷德克裡夫已簽下第六、第七集哈利波特電影的片約。

3."'Why do they have to move in packs?' Harry asked Ron as a dozen or so girls walked past them, sniggering and staring at Harry. " (GF22 「『她們為什麼成群結隊地活動呢?』哈利問羅恩——這時正有十來個女生從旁邊走過,她們打量著哈利,偷偷地傻笑著。」(火焰杯,第22章)

4.If you exchange the word "Snitch" for "Harry, " you can see this action as symbolizing that Ginny will supplant Cho in Harry's affections. 如果你把「飛賊」這個詞換成「哈利」,你就會把這一情節看作是象徵金妮會取代秋在哈利心裡的位置。

5.Ever since Harry had come home for the summer holidays, Uncle Vernon had been treating him like a bomb that might go off at any moment, because Harry Potter wasn't a normal boy. 自從哈利回家度暑假以來,維能姨丈就把他當作是一個隨時都會引爆的炸彈,因為哈利並不是一個普通的男孩。


Mr. Harry Bennett and his daughter. - Harry Bennett先生和他女兒。

you will be Mrs. Harry Bennett. - 你將成為Harry Bennett太太。

to see Susan become Mrs. Harry Bennett. - 目睹Susan成為Harry Bennett太太。

Then, Harry Bennett, do you take Susan Stewart - 那麼 ,Harry Bennett, 你願意接受Susan Stewart

This is my friend Harry Bennett. - 這是我的朋友Harry Bennett。

That's true. Harry Bennett,certified public accountant. - 是的。Harry Bennett註冊會計師。

I look forward to seeing you and Harry and Michelle. - 我等著見 Harry和Michelle。

I want to welcome Harry and his daughter Michelle - 我想對Harry和他女兒Michelle

and for meeting Harry and Michelle. - 和認識了Harry和Michelle。

No, she doesn't know Harry Bennett and his daughter Michelle. - 不,她不認識Harry Bennett和他女兒Michelle。

What's Harry doing tonight? - Harry,今晚做什麼?

I really want Harry and Michelle to see Max. - 我真希望Harry和Michelle來看看Max。

Tomorrow. Harry has an account to work on today. - 明天。Harry今天有項會計工作要做。

Michelle is a lot like Harry in so many ways. Michelle - 在許多方面很像Harry。

Thanks so much, Harry and Michelle. - 太感謝了, Harry和Michelle。

Do you think Susan and Harry will get married? - 你覺得Susan和Harry會結婚嗎?

You'd better not make Harry any more nervous than he is. - 你最好別讓Harry更加緊張了。

Oh! Harry has been offered a job in Los Angeles. - 噢, 有人聘請Harry到Los Angeles工作。

It's something that only you and Harry can work out. - 這件事只有你和Harry才能定奪。

Susan and Harry have a sitter for Michelle in the city, - Susan和Harry在城裡給Michelle找到一位臨時保姆,

When are Susan and Harry picking you up, Marilyn? - Susan和Harry什麼時候來接你們, Marilyn

Is that one of the things Susan and Harry are bringing? - 那是不是屬於Susan和Harry要帶的?

And this is my sister Susan and her husband Harry Bennett - 這是我妹妹Susan和她丈夫Harry Bennett

If you were to ask Harry what was in the bottle, he would tell you that it contained perfumed mud. - 要是你問哈里瓶裡裝著什麼,他會告訴你是香水泥。

How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating. - 哈里如何得到這種稀奇古怪的東西的,這裡有個有趣的故事,而且他挺愛把它講給別人聽。

How Harry managed to keep a straight face during these performances is quite beyond me. - 我實在想像不出哈里在這些表演中是怎樣裝出一本正經的樣子的。

One day, he went to an exclusive shop in London and asked for 'Myrolite', the shop assistant looked puzzled and Harry repeated the word, slowly stressing each syllable. - 一天,他去倫敦一家高級商店要買一種叫「密諾萊特」的東西,店員露出詫異的神色。哈里又慢慢地,一字一頓說了一遍這個詞,

When Harry put on his act of being mildly annoyed, the assistant promised to order some for him. - 哈里裝出不高興的樣子時,女售貨員答應為他定貨。

Intoxicated by his success, Harry then asked for perfumed mud. - 哈里為他的騙術而感到洋洋得意,又提出要買香水泥。

for the woman's eyes immediately lit up and she fetched several bottles which she placed on the counter for Harry to inspect. - 因為那女售貨員聽完哈里的話後,馬上眼睛一亮,拿出幾瓶東西放在櫃檯上讓哈里挑選。

For once, Harry had to admit defeat. - 哈里只好認輸。

From then on, Harry decided that this little game he had invented might prove to be expensive. - 從那以後,他認識到自己發明的小小惡作劇是要付出很大的代價的。

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