imbeddedadj. 嵌入的v. 使嵌入(imbed的過去式和過去分詞);使插入
imbedded 嵌入的;夾在層間的;嵌埋;埋封,嵌入的;imbedded winding 埋入式繞組,嵌入繞組;嵌入繞組;嵌入的繞組,下線後的繞組;埋入式繞組;tamely imbedded 馴順嵌入;imbedded process 嵌入過程;imbedded windling 埋入繞組;
1.Or, will you choose to find and to fulfill the value that is imbedded in every situation? 也許,任何情形下你都會尋找潛藏的價值並努力將其實現,不是嗎?
2.Special imbedded sensors are constantly measuring the local temperature and pressure of parts of the body on the armchair surface. 扶手椅表面的特殊內置傳感器持續測量人體與椅子接觸區的溫度及壓力。
3.The KBE regards human resources as a key source of development, simply because knowledge is imbedded in people, and human beings are the creators of knowledge. 實際上,「知識經濟」把人看作最為寶貴的資源,原因非常簡單:一切知識產生於人,人是知識的創造者。