a. endovenous
intravenous[,intrə'vi:nəs]adj. 靜脈內的
intravenous 靜脈內的;靜脈注射;靜脈內;靜脈麻醉;Intravenous pyelography 靜脈腎盂造影術;靜脈腎盂造影;intravenous infusion 靜脈輸液;靜脈滴注;靜脈滴注用輸液;釋義:靜脈輸注;intravenous drip 靜脈滴注;靜脈滴液;靜脈點滴 靜脈滴注;靜脈注射;IV Intravenous 靜脈內的;靜脈內的 IV的意思相關詞組;
1.OBJECTIVE: To study the particle control method in pharmacy intravenous admixture services. 目的:研究控制藥物混合配置過程中微粒產生的方法。
2.Periphery feels grateful all, was they lets you understand the life intravenous drip, was they lets you know oneself. 感恩周圍的一切,是他們讓你明白了人生的點點滴滴,是他們讓你認識自己。
3.All five infants proved to have congenital syphilis that responded without further complication to 14 days of intravenous or intramuscular penicillin. 五名嬰兒均被證實為先天性梅毒,經靜脈或肌肉注射青黴素14天,未出現進一步併發症。
intravenous hyperalimentation; intravenoushyperalimentation - 全靜脈營養
intravenous morphine anesthesia - 嗎啡靜脈麻醉
massive drip intravenous therapy - 大量靜脈滴注療法
decending urography; excretion崑urography; intravenous urography - 快速連續靜脈尿路造影
rapid sequence intravenous pyelogram - 快速連續靜脈腎盂造影
intravenous pyelography - 排泄性腎盂造影法
digital intravenous ventriculography - 數控靜脈內心室造影術
procaine intravenous combined anethesia - 普魯卡因因靜脈復合麻醉
ketamine intravenous anesthesia - 氯胺酮靜脈麻醉
intravenous drip - 點滴靜脈輸液法
intravenous anesthesia equipment for dentistry - 牙科靜脈麻醉用器械
intravenous pentothal anesthesia - 硫噴妥鈉靜脈麻醉
intravascular catheter type probe; intravenous probe - 血管內導管式探頭
intravenous pyelography - 造影術
intravenous urography - 靜脈內尿路造影
intravenous amino acid - 靜脈內氨基酸
intravenous sodium chloride - 靜脈內氯化鈉
bacterial intravenous protein - 靜脈內細菌蛋白
intravenous cholangiography - 靜脈內膽管造影術
intravenous alimentation - 靜脈內營養法
intravenous glucose tolerance test - 靜脈內葡萄糖耐量試驗
intravenous hyperalimentation; intravenoushyperalimentation - 靜脈內高能量營養法
intravenous cardio-angiography - 靜脈心血管造影術
intravenous radionuclide cholescintigraphy - 靜脈放射性核素膽囊閃爍術
intravenous injection; iv; venocylsis - 靜脈注射
drip intravenous pyelography - 靜脈滴注腎盂造影
intravenous tolbutamide tolerance test - 靜脈甲磺丁尿耐量試驗
intravenous pyelography - 靜脈腎盂造影術
intravenous transfusion; intravenoustransfusion - 靜脈輸液
intravenous transfusion; intravenoustransfusion - 靜脈輸血
intravenous anesthesia - 靜脈麻醉
n.靜脈內細菌蛋白 - bacterial intravenous protein
定速靜脈內注入 - constant intravenous infusion
持續靜脈點滴,持續靜脈濾過 - continuous intravenous infusion
n.數控靜脈內心室造影術 - digital intravenous ventriculography
靜注用藥 - dosage by intravenous injection
n.靜脈滴注腎盂造影 - drip intravenous pyelography
點滴靜注用藥 - dropping intravenous injection
n.氯胺酮靜脈麻醉 - ketamine intravenous anesthesia
n.大量靜脈滴注療法 - massive drip intravenous therapy
外部血壓測定法 - peripheral intravenous nutrious transfusion
n.普魯卡因因靜脈復合麻醉 - procaine intravenous combined anethesia
快速靜脈內注射 - rapid intravenous injection
n.快速連續靜脈腎盂造影 - rapid sequence intravenous pyelogram
靜注療法 - Schott's intravenous injection treatment
血管加壓素的靜脈滴定法 - vasopressin intravenous drip method