Phobosn. [天]火衛一
Phobos 火衛一;福波斯;福玻斯;火星 火衛一;Phobos program 弗伯斯2號;The Phobos 地魔上身;o Phobos 火衛一;
1.In contrast, PHOBOS observes particles over the widest possible angular range and studies correlations among them. 相對的,PHOBOS則盡可能在最廣的角度範圍內觀測粒子,並研究粒子間分佈角度的關係。
2.Two of these experiments, BRAHMS and PHOBOS, are relatively small and concentrate on observing specific characteristics of the debris. 其中的兩個實驗,BRAHMS與PHOBOS,規模相對較小,它們集中在觀測碎塊的某些特定表徵。
3.Still, A. hopes the United States will put humans on Mars soon after 2030. And he says the nation should consider a stop-over base on the Martian moon Phobos. 仍然希望美國能夠在2030年後派人登上火星。他說美國應該考慮在火星月球火衛一上建立一個中轉站。