





Turkish bath sauna steam bath vapour bath 蒸汽浴;Turkish bath sauna steam bath vapour bath 蒸汽浴;Turkish bath sauna steam bath vapour bath 蒸汽浴;stake a bath take a both took a bath 洗個澡;colourful striped bath towel colour striped bath towel 彩條浴巾;


1.Mainly there is soaking bath, surfing bath, Thailand bath, Xinsha knight bath and full body attar massage in Chinese and European style. 主要有泡泡浴、衝浪浴。泰浴。鑫沙騎士。中式。歐式、全身精油按摩。

2.We want to buy Bath, Shoes / Footwear and Uppers, Bath, Footwear Bath, Bath, Footwear. 我們要採購沭浴,鞋子/鞋類和鞋面,沭浴,鞋類沭浴,沭浴,鞋類。

3.Rich aesthetic sauna area to provide you with surfing, massage bath, needle bath, spa bath, milk bath and a variety of physical therapy and massage, foot treatment. 富有美感的桑拿區為您提供衝浪、按摩浴、針刺浴、礦泉浴、牛奶浴和多種理療性按摩、足療。

4.Bath, Shoes / Footwear and Uppers, Bath, Footwear Bath, Bath, Footwear. 採購產品沭浴,鞋子/鞋類和鞋面,沭浴,鞋類沭浴,沭浴,鞋類。

5.We want to buy Bath, Shoes / Footwear and Uppers, Bath, Footwear Bath, Bath, Footwear. 我們要採購沭浴,鞋子/鞋類和鞋面,沭浴,鞋類沭浴,沭浴,鞋類。


A hot bath makes all the difference in the morning. - 上午洗個熱水澡能讓人精神振奮。

I then take a bath in the bathroom. - 然後我去洗澡間洗個澡。

My little brother takes a bath before he goes to bed at night. - 在他晚上睡覺以前,我的弟弟要洗一下澡。

I often take a bath at night. - 我常常在晚上洗澡。

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. - 切勿良莠不分一起拋。

No sunshine but bath some shadow. - 有明必有暗。

On entering a shop, he would ask for a new perfume called 'Scented Shadow' or for 'insoluble bath cubes'. - 他走進商店後,會提出要一種名叫「香影」的新型香水或什麼「不溶浴皂」。


electric hot bath for full body - 全身電熱浴器

public bath room - 公共浴室

douche bath unit - 噴浴器

water bath parafffin melter - 水浴式熔蠟器

bog bath therapy; mud bath therapy - 泥浴療法

eye bath basin - 洗眼受水器

bath room; bathroom - 浴室

bath tub - 浴盆

bath cabinet - 浴箱

n. bath analysis - 熔體分析

n. bath strength - 熔體強度

n. bath concentration - 熔體濃度

n. molten salt bath method - 熔融鹽酮法

n. bath stirring - 電解槽攪拌

n. bath power - 電解槽能量

n. salt bath cleaning - 鹽浴淨化

n. salt bath cleaning - 鹽浴性

n. salt bath nitriding - 鹽浴氮化

n. salt bath process - 鹽浴法

n. salt bath nitriding - 鹽浴滲氮

n. salt bath chromizing - 鹽浴滲鉻

n. aerated bath nitriding - 空氣攪拌液體滲氮法

steam bath unit - 蒸氣浴器

paraffin bath apparatus - 蠟浴器

n. acid bath and lining - 酸浴和襯裡

n. molten salt bath method - 金屬液槽浮拋窯

n. bath voltage - 鍍槽電壓


n.空氣浴,氣浴 - air bath

n.酒精擦浴,酒精浴 - alcohol bath

n.礬水浴,明礬水浴 - alum bath

解熱浴,退熱浴 - antipyretic bath

芳香浴 - aromatic bath

收斂浴 - astringent bath

n.巴博氏沙浴 - babos sand bath

n.床浴 - bed bath

溫和浴 - bland bath

n.泥浴 - bog bath

n.泥浴療法 - bog bath therapy

n.糠浴 - bran bath

刷浴 - brush bath

氣泡浴,泡沫浴 - bubble bath

蒸汽室浴 - cabinet vapor bath

碳酸水浴,碳酸浴 - carbon dioxide bath

二氧化碳氣浴,二所化碳氣浴 - carbon dioxide gas bath

n.冷水浴 - cold bath

n.冷擦浴 - cold spone bath

調節浴 - conditioning bath

n.恆溫浴 - constant temperature bath

持續浴 - continuous bath

n.冷熱交替浴 - contrast bath

n.涼浴 - cool bath

冷水浴 - cooling bath

兩極電氣浴 - dipolar bath

n.噴射浴 - douche bath

n.噴浴器 - douche bath unit

n.道辛氏浴 - dowsing bath

n.電熱氣浴 - electric hot-air bath

n.全身電熱浴器 - electric hot bath for full body

電熱光浴 - electric light bath

n.電泳槽 - electrophoresis bath

n.電解槽 - electrolytic bath

洗眼杯 - eye bath

n.洗眼受水器 - eye bath basin

足浴 - foot bath

n.四槽浴 - four-cell bath

冷水浴 - frigidum bath

n.海藻浴 - fucus bath

全身浴 - full bath

全身浴 - full immersion bath

直流浴 - galvanic bath

n.氣泡浴 - gas-bubble bath

n.半身浴 - half bath

手浴 - hand bath

熱氣浴 - heated air bath

n.芳草浴 - herb bath

坐浴 - hip bath

熱氣浴 - hot air bath

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