





n. degree ,leg ,phase ,stagecoachv. arrange ,present ,represent


stage[steidʒ]n. 階段;舞台;戲劇;驛站vt. 舉行;上演;籌劃vi. 舉行;適於上演;乘驛車旅行


stage 舞台;階段;舞台效果,級,階段;期別;idle stage 空站;stage die 工程模;工程模 本文章來自:博研聯盟論壇;back stage 後台;後舞台;stage version 上演本;上演原;


1.A new hit drama will be stagged next week. 一部新的具轟動效應的話劇將於下星期上演。

2.What is the stage of the disease? 請問我的疾病目前是哪一期?

3.Dante: So this is the next stage? 但丁:那麼這即是下一個舞台?


no concert, no stage presentations. - 沒有音樂會, 沒有舞蹈表演。

Well, we all go through this at some stage of life, some of us buy a wig and some of us just stay bald. - 我們全部會在生命中的某個時期經歷脫髮這種事,有些人會去買假髮,有些人則會留個光頭。

In spite of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. - 儘管如此,她卻常在舞台上扮演小姑娘。

In the last act, a gaoler would always come on to the stage with a letter which he would hand to the prisoner. - 在最後一幕中,獄卒手持一封信上場,然後將信交給獄中那位貴族。

It took him four years to stage this elaborate joke simply to prove that critics do not always know what they are talking about. - 他花了4年時間策劃這出精心設計的鬧劇,只是想證明評論家們有時並不解他們所談論的事情。

Yet a great many processes depending on such research are sought for with complete secrecy until the stage at which patents can be taken out. - 然而,依賴這種研究的很多工藝程序是在完全保密的情況下進行的,直到可以取得專利權的階段為止。

for it produces a resentful animal who at a later stage may well turn man-killer. - 因為這種方法訓練會使動物反感,在以後某個時期可能會變成傷人的動物。

The next stage is to get the elephant to the training establishment, - 下一步就是把像帶到訓練場所,


one stage prothrombin time - 一期血酶原時間

first stage ionization - 一級電離

n. two stage cleaning - 兩階段清理

two stage assay - 二步分析法

two stage scintigraphy - 二步閃爍顯像術

ulcerative stage of typhoid fever - 傷寒潰瘍期

stage of invasion - 侵入期

stage of invasion - 侵襲期

period of onset; periodofonset; stage of attack - 發作期

hot stage; pyrogenetic stage; stage of fervescence - 發熱期

at the early stage of the onset - 發病初期

proliferative stage of endometrium - 增殖期子宮內膜

late stage of uremia - 尿毒症晚期

convalescence; stage of recovery - 康復期

infective stage ovum - 感染期卵

infective stage larva; infectivestagelarva - 感染期幼蟲

infective stage larva; infectivestagelarva - 感染期蚴

infective stage larva; infectivestagelarva - 感染試驗

stage of resistance - 拮抗期

early stage of gastric cancer - 早期胃癌

late stage fibrin degradation product - 晚期纖維蛋白降解產物

stage of deep sleep - 深睡期

stage of deep narcosis - 深麻醉期

stage of ripple wave - 漣波期

the inactive stage of ulcer - 潰瘍非活動期

resolution stage; stage of dissolution - 溶解期

hot stage microscope - 熱載台顯微鏡

stage of biological death - 生物學死亡期

stage of physiological age - 生理齡期

first stage of labor - 第一產程

n. first stage annealing - 第一階段退火

third stage of labor - 第三產程

expulsive stage; second stage of labor - 第二產程

fourth stage of labor - 第四產程

multiplication stage bactericide - 繁殖期條菌劑

stage of spasmodic cough - 繞冥

early stage of pyogenic infection of skin; painful swelling on the body surface - 腫瘍

sausage stage larva - 臘腸期幼蟲

stage of exhaustion - 衰竭期

stage of onset - 起病期

stage micrometer - 載物台測微器

stage micrometer - 鏡台測微計

active stage of rheumatic fever - 風濕熱活動期

the initial stage of fracture - 骨折初期

mature stage of callus - 骨痂成熟階段

stage of icterus - 黃疸期


n.膿腫期 - abscess stage

n.活動期,進行期 - active stage

n.風濕熱活動期 - active stage of rheumatic fever

急性增惡期 - acute advanced stage

n.急性期 - acute stage

n.成年期 - adult stage

n.晚期 - advanced stage

n.無效期 - adynamic stage

n.瀕死期 - agonal stage

n.寒冷期 - algid stage

n.動搖期 - amphibolic stage

偶線期 - amphitene stage

n.麻醉期 - anesthetic stage

n.霍亂初期 - asphyxial stage

n.上升階段 - ascending stage

n.無性階段,無性期 - asexual stage

n.發病初期 - at the early stage of the onset

n.氮質血期 - azotemic stage

n.囊胚期 - blastula stage

n.花束期 - bouquet stage

n.繁殖期 - breeding stage

n.晚期癌 - cancer of late stage

n.細胞分裂期 - cell stage

n.細胞增殖期 - cellular proliferative stage

慢性期 - chronic stage

n.卵裂期 - cleavage stage

n.臨床死亡期 - clinical death stage

n.發冷期 - cold stage

大腸早期癌 - colon cancer in early stage

n.昏迷期 - coma stage

n.充血期 - congestive stage

收縮期,收縮相 - contraction stage

撓足幼體期 - copepodid stage

n.短膜期 - crithidial stage

臨界期,危險期 - critical stage

n.隱匿期 - cryptic stage

n.包囊期 - cystic stage

n.熱退期 - defervescent stage

n.衰退期 - degenerating stage

n.發育階段 - developmental stage

n.終變期 - diakinesis stage

網絲期 - dictyate stage

網絲期 - dictyotene stage

n.雙線期 - diplotene stage

n.分裂期 - division stage

初期,早期 - early stage

n.早期胃癌 - early stage of gastric cancer

n.腫瘍 - early stage of pyogenic infection of skin

n.效應階段 - effective stage

末期 - end stage

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