termer['tə:mə]n. 服刑者
termer 服刑者;刑期中的囚犯;life termer 無期徒刑犯;first termer 初次服刑者;
1.Beware the manager who proclaims to the world he is a long-termer, beginning today. 警惕那些向世界宣稱他們是重在長遠規劃的經理人,請現在就開始。
2.Groom a pretender (for lack of a better word), build a coalition, and wait for your CEO to screw up, which he will if he is a short-termer. Then pounce. 物色一個覬覦者(找不到更好的詞彙)、打造一個聯盟,等待你的CEO出醜,如果他是一個關注短期效益的人,他會出醜的。然後突襲他。
3.Gossip magazines have dug up the past of one female first-termer, Mieko Tanaka, 33, a former travel agency employee who was forced to admit she used to work as a reporter for a 本人 industry magazine. 近日一些八卦雜誌挖出了首次出任議員的33歲的田中美惠子的歷史。田中美惠子曾是一家旅行社的僱員,日前她**承認自己曾在一家本人行業雜誌做過記者。