





n. disfunction


dysfunction[dis'fʌŋkʃən]n. 功能紊亂;機能障礙;官能不良vi. 功能失調;出現機能障礙;垮掉


dysfunction 功能障礙;機能障礙;功能異常,機能障礙;機能不良;Orgasmic dysfunction 性樂高潮障礙;性高潮缺乏;早洩;Erectile Dysfunction 性功能障礙; psychosexual dysfunction 性心理功能異常;心理性功能異常;endothelial dysfunction 內皮功能障礙;內皮功能紊亂;


1.What is the cause of the dysfunction? 機能不良的原因是什麼呢?

2.Low desire is considered the most prevalent sexual dysfunction among women. 低慾望被認為是女性中最普遍的性功能障礙。

3.Dysfunction sets in when you seek your self in it and mistake it for who you are. 當你要從思維中尋找自我、錯誤地把它認為它就是你是,障礙就出現了。


dysfunction of papillary muscles - 乳頭肌功能紊亂

dysfunction of blood coagulation - 凝血功能異常

dysfunction in essence-storing - 封藏失職

minimal cerbual dysfunction syndrome - 微細腦機能障礙綜合症

dysfunction of ventilation - 換氣功能障礙

dysfunction of channels - 經隧失職

dysfunction of the lung-qi - 肺氣不利

nephrogenic hepatic dysfunction syndrome - 腎原性肝功能異常綜合征

dysfunction of gastroenteric stoma - 胃腸吻合口機能障礙

dysfunction of biliary tract - 膽道功能紊亂

placental dysfunction syndrome - 胎盤功能障礙綜合征

dysfunction of the urinaty bladder - 胞痺

dysfunction of the bladder - 胞繫了戾

dysfunction of pancreas - 胰功能不良

dysfunction of the spleen - 脾不健運

dysfunction of the spleen in transport - 脾失健運

dysfunction of the urinary bladder; dysfunction of the urnary bladder - 膀胱不利

dysfunction of platelet - 血小板功能障礙

menoxenia due to dysfunction of chong channel - 血海蓄溢失常

dysfunction of blood vessel - 血管功能障礙

mbd; minimal brain dysfunction syndrome - 輕微腦功能障礙綜合征

hypertonic dysfunction of uterus - 高張務性子宮功能異常


n.腎上腺功能紊亂 - adrenal dysfunction

n.體質性肝功能不良 - constitutional hepatic dysfunction

牙功能不良,牙功能不全 - dental dysfunction

早期腎機能障礙 - early renal dysfunction

n.內分泌功能障礙 - endocrine dysfunction

n.胃腸功能失調 - gastrointestinal dysfunction

n.肝功能缺陷,肝功能失常 - hepatic dysfunction

n.高張務性子宮功能異常 - hypertonic dysfunction of uterus

n.高張性宮縮乏力 - hypertonic uterine dysfunction

肝機能障礙 - liver dysfunction

n.男性性功能障礙 - masculine sexual dysfunction

n.咀嚼疼痛性機能障礙 - masticatory pain dysfunction

n.血海蓄溢失常 - menoxenia due to dysfunction of chong channel

n.微循環功能障礙 - microcirculation dysfunction

n.輕微腦功能失調,輕微腦功能障礙 - minimal brain dysfunction

n.輕微腦功能障礙綜合征 - minimal brain dysfunction syndrome

n.微細腦機能障礙綜合症 - minimal cerbual dysfunction syndrome

n.混合性通氣功能障礙 - mixed ventilatory dysfunction

神經原性膀胱機能障害,神經原性機能障害 - neurogenic bladder dysfunction

n.腎原性肝功能異常綜合征 - nephrogenic hepatic dysfunction syndrome

直立性調節障礙 - orthostatic dysfunction

n.卵巢功能失調 - ovarian dysfunction

胰腺機能障礙 - pancreatic dysfunction

n.乳頭肌功能異常 - papillary muscle dysfunction

乳頭肌功能不全綜合征 - papillary muscle dysfunction syndrome

n.胎盤功能障礙綜合征 - placental dysfunction syndrome

生殖機能障礙 - reproductive dysfunction

n.選擇性腎小管功能障礙 - selective renal tubular dysfunction

顳頜機能障礙綜合症 - temporomandibular dysfunction syndrome

n.排尿功能障礙 - urinary dysfunction

n.子宮功能異常,子宮機能障礙 - uterine dysfunction

n.膀胱功能障礙 - vesical dysfunction

n.髒氣衰微 - visceral dysfunction

黃皮膚惡化 - yellow body dysfunction


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