n. bam ,eructation ,irruption ,volcanic eruption
eruption[i'rʌpʃən]n. 爆發,噴發;火山灰;出疹
eruption 噴發;(乳牙)萌出;爆發;火山噴發;pelean eruption 培利型火山噴發;area eruption 區城噴溢;olcanic eruption 火山爆發;volcano eruption 火山爆發;火山噴發;
1.Volcano is beautiful before eruption. 火山在噴發前是很美的。
2.The place was recently visited by a serious volcanic eruption . 這地方最近發生了一次嚴重的火山爆發。
3.Forget Iceland's volcano. If you want to see a really big eruption, you need to head to the Sun. 想見識什麼才叫做真正的「大爆發」麼?不要想冰島的那座火山了,你應該膜拜一下太陽。
premature eruption of deciduous tooth - 乳牙早出
delayed eruption of deciduous tooth - 乳牙晚出
eruption cyst - 出牙囊腫
premature eruption of permanent tooth - 恆牙早萌
eruption and macule and papule; exanthema maculosum; macular eruption; macule and papule; skin eruption - 斑疹
delayed eruption of footh - 牙萌出延遲
skin eruption concentrate to one place - 痧塊
eruption period - 萌出期
eruption cyst - 萌出期囊腫
eruption in yin syndrome - 虛斑
promoting eruption and vesiculation - 表疹了皰
The eruption is similar to herpel zoster - 該疹狀類似帶狀皰疹
lice-bite eruption around the pubic region - 陰虱瘡
measles without adequate eruption to expel toxins - 麻疹閉證
n.牙萌出異常 - anomaly of tooth eruption
n.鉤蟲性匐行疹 - creeping eruption
n.乳牙萌出 - deciduous tooth eruption
n.乳牙晚出 - delayed eruption of deciduous tooth
n.牙萌出延遲 - delayed eruption of footh
出牙困難,萌出困難 - difficult eruption
n.疏負透疹 - dispelling mild wind and promoting eruption
n.藥疹,疹子型藥物皮炎 - drug eruption
早期爆發 - early eruption
n.紅斑疹 - erythematous eruption
n.一過性皮疹 - evanescent eruption
n.固定性藥疹,固定疹型藥物性皮炎 - fixed drug eruption
n.固定性疹 - fixed eruption
n.溫毒發斑 - heat toxin with skin eruption
n.陰虱瘡 - lice-bite eruption around the pubic region
苔癬樣藥疹 - lichenoid drug eruption
n.斑疹 - macular eruption
n.斑丘疹 - maculoopapular eruption
n.麻疹不透 - measles without adeqrate eruption
n.麻疹閉證 - measles without adequate eruption to expel toxins
n.月經疹 - menstrual eruption
n.丘疹 - papular eruption
局部發疹,局部長出 - partial eruption
n.恆牙萌出 - permanent tooth eruption
n.著色性紫癜性疹 - pigmented purpuric eruption
n.多形性光線疹,多形性日光疹 - polymorphic light eruption
多形性日光疹 - polymorphous light eruption
n.萌出前期 - pre eruption
n.乳牙早出 - premature eruption of deciduous tooth
n.恆牙早萌 - premature eruption of permanent tooth
n.透疹 - promote eruption
n.透疹 - promoting eruption
n.表疹了皰 - promoting eruption and vesiculation
n.膿皰疹 - pustular eruption
n.齒遲 - retardation in tooth eruption
n.鱗屑疹 - scaly eruption
n.斑疹 - skin eruption
n.痧塊 - skin eruption concentrate to one place
n.痘疹 - small-pox eruption
n.鱗屑疹 - spuamous eruption
遲發萌出,過尺長出 - tardy eruption
n.該疹狀類似帶狀皰疹 - The eruption is similar to herpel zoster
鵝口瘡疹 - thrush eruption
n.出牙 - tooth eruption
疫苗疹,種痘疹 - vaccinal eruption
n.水痘樣皮疹 - varicelliform eruption