appellant instance 上告審;Associatively Instance 相關性實例;instance sub classing 實例子類劃分;Instance Constructors 實例構造函數;Blackphantom Deeps Instance Start 黑暗深淵;
1.DEDUCTIVE REASONING: When you reason deductively, you begin with generalizations (premises) and apply them to a specific instance to draw a conclusion about that instance. 歸納推理: 當你進行歸納推理,你從一些實例(事實或意見)開始 ,並利用它們來得出一般性結論。
2.A container invokes this method on an instance before the instance becomes disassociated with a specific EJB object. 容器調用該方法,使實例與指定EJB對像解除關聯。
3.The mobility of migrating instance brings some new security risk to workflow management system, the attack from work position to migrating instance is the newest and hardest question. 遷移實例的遷移執行給遷移工作流管理系統帶來了新的安全問題,其中工作位置對遷移實例的攻擊是最新的也是最難解決的一類問題。
4.Where the appellor requests to revoke the appeal before the people's court of second instance pronounces a judgment, it shall be decided by a ruling of the people's court of second instance. 第二審人民法院判決宣告前,上訴人申請撤回上訴的,是否准許,由第二審人民法院裁定。
5.The DRV_OPEN message identifies the instance handle and may include configuration information for the instance. DRV_OPEN消息標識實例句柄,也可能帶有實例的配置信息。