





n. wasting ,wasting away ,withering


atrophy['ætrəfi]n. 萎縮,萎縮症;發育停止vi. 萎縮;虛脫


atrophy 萎縮;萎縮, 萎縮症;退化,萎縮;萎縮, 萎縮症;muscular atrophy 肌萎縮;肌肉萎縮;cerebral atrophy 大腦萎縮;腦萎縮;granular atrophy 顆粒性萎縮;disuse atrophy 失用性萎縮;廢用性萎縮;不用性萎縮;


1.An ability may atrophy if it is not used. 一種能力如不加以使用將會減退。

2.Brain atrophy. 3腦萎縮。

3.Seek the place that treats optic atrophy, urgent urgent! 尋求治療視神經萎縮的地方,急急急!


atrophy of deltoid muscle - 三角肌葵縮

subacute yellow atrophy of liver; subacute yellow necrosis - 亞急性黃色肝萎縮

congenital atrophy of thyroid gland - 先天性甲狀腺萎縮

atrophy of ovary - 卵巢萎縮

primary atrophy and dystrophy of choroid - 原發性脈絡膜萎縮及變性

glaucoma in essential atrophy of iris - 原發性虹膜萎縮性青光眼

essentialprogressive atrophy of iris - 原發性進行性虹膜萎縮

gyrate atrophy of choroid - 迴旋狀脈絡膜萎縮

traumatic atrophy of testitis - 外傷性睪丸萎縮

traumatic atrophy of iris - 外傷性虹膜萎縮

atrophy of vulva - 外陰萎縮

atrophy of endometrium - 子宮內膜萎縮

atrophy of cervical orifice; orificium externum uteri - 子宮頸外口

atrophy of cervix - 子宮頸萎縮

brown atrophy of myocardium - 心肌褐色萎縮

acute red atrophy of liver - 急性紅色肝萎縮

acute atrophy of liver; acute liver atrophy - 急性肝萎縮

acute yellow atrophy of liver - 急性黃色肝萎縮

chronic yellow atrophy of liver - 慢性黃色肝萎縮

atrophy of strated muscle - 橫紋肌萎縮

atrophy of lacrimal gland - 淚腺萎縮

atrophy of salivary gland - 涎腺萎縮

atrophy of thyroid gland - 甲狀腺萎縮

atrophy of eyeball - 眼球萎縮

atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis - 維生素缺乏性舌萎縮

acute yillow atrophy of liver; rokitanskys disease - 羅基坦斯基氏病

acute yillow atrophy of liver; rokitanskys disease - 羅傑氏病

senle atrophy of endometium - 老年性子宮內膜萎縮

atrophy of auricle - 耳郭萎縮

atrophy of liver; hepatatrophia; hepatatrophy - 肝萎縮

atrophy of quadriceps hematoma - 股四頭肌萎縮

atrophy of adrenal gland - 腎上腺萎縮

atrophy of kidney - 腎萎縮

atrophy of gastric mucosa - 胃粘膜萎縮

degenerative atrophy of choroid - 脈絡膜萎縮變性

circumscribed atrophy of brain; lobar atrophy - 腦局限性萎縮

atrophy of parotid gland - 腮腺萎縮

atrophy of gluteal muscles - 臀肌萎縮

atrophy of iris - 虹膜萎縮

ureteral obstructive atrophy of kidney - 輸尿管梗阻性腎萎縮

progressive atrophy of choroid - 進行性脈絡膜萎縮

atrophy of corpus luteum - 黃體萎縮

incomplete atrophy of corpus luteum - 黃體萎縮不全


n.急性肝萎縮 - acute atrophy of liver

急性肝縮症 - acute atrophy of the liver

n.腎上腺皮質萎縮 - adrenocortical atrophy

n.急性肝萎縮 - acute liver atrophy

n.急性紅色肝萎縮 - acute red atrophy of liver

急性反射性骨萎縮 - acute reflex bone atrophy

n.急性黃色肝萎縮,急性黃色萎縮 - acute yellow atrophy

n.急性黃色肝萎縮 - acute yellow atrophy of liver

n.羅基坦斯基氏病,羅傑氏病 - acute yillow atrophy of liver

n.牙槽萎縮 - alveolar atrophy

n.蜂窩狀脈絡膜萎縮 - areolar choroidal atrophy

n.關節萎縮 - arthritic atrophy

n.閉鎖性萎縮 - atretic atrophy

藍色萎縮 - blue atrophy

n.青盲類似於眼萎縮症 - bluish blindness is similar to optic atrophy

骨萎宿 - bone atrophy

褐色萎縮 - brown atrophy

n.心肌褐色萎縮 - brown atrophy of myocardium

n.細胞萎縮 - cellular atrophy

小腦萎縮 - cerebellar atrophy

腦萎縮 - cerebral atrophy

n.夏-馬-圖三氏肌萎縮 - charoot-marie-pooth atrophy

n.脈絡膜萎縮 - choroidal atrophy

n.慢性黃色肝萎縮 - chronic yellow atrophy of liver

n.腦局限性萎縮 - circumscribed atrophy of brain

n.代償性萎縮 - compensatory atrophy

壓迫性萎縮 - compression atrophy

n.向心性萎縮 - concentric atrophy

n.先天性甲狀腺萎縮 - congenital atrophy of thyroid gland

n.腦回萎縮症 - convolutional atrophy

n.克律韋利埃氏萎縮 - cruveilhiers atrophy

小腦齒狀核萎縮,齒狀核小腦萎縮 - dentate cerebellar atrophy

n.變性萎縮 - degenerative atrophy

n.脈絡膜萎縮變性 - degenerative atrophy of choroid

牙萎縮 - dental atrophy

n.瀰漫性萎縮 - diffuse atrophy

n.瀰漫性大腦萎縮症 - diffuse cerebral atrophy

廢用性萎縮 - disuse atrophy

n.杜-阿二氏肌萎縮 - duchenne-aran muscular atrophy

n.原發性進行性虹膜萎縮 - essentialprogressive atrophy of iris

消耗性萎縮 - exhaustion atrophy

n.面萎縮症,顏面萎縮症 - facial atrophy

面肩胛臂萎縮 - facioscapulohumeral atrophy

n.面肩胛臂萎縮 - facioscapulohumeral muscular atrophy

脂肪萎縮 - fatty atrophy

n.富克斯氏視神經萎縮 - fuchss optic atrophy

n.齒齦宣露,牙宣 - gingival atrophy

n.原發性虹膜萎縮性青光眼 - glaucoma in essential atrophy of iris

n.灰色萎縮 - gray atrophy

顆粒狀萎縮 - granular atrophy


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