dematerialisation['di:mə,tiəriəlai'zeiʃən, -li'z-]n. [電]去物質作用
dematerialisation 非實物化;去物質作用;非實物化:;dematerialisation of share certificate 股票非實物化;紘同揭糞麗曬;
1.Frederic Vandenberghe, a partner at McKinsey, says that the dematerialisation of securities—the switch from paper to electronic forms—has given the banks a substantial boost. 麥肯錫的合夥人FredericVandenberghe說證券的虛擬化---即從紙張轉變為電子媒質---使得銀行得以大幅提升。
2.Frederic Vandenberghe, a partner at McKinsey, says that the dematerialisation of securities—the switch from paper to electronic forms—has given the banks a substantial boost. 麥肯錫的合夥人FredericVandenberghe說證券的虛擬化---即從紙質形式轉變成電子交易---讓銀行得以大幅提升。
3.Dematerialisation: the elimination of physical certificates or documents of title which represent ownership of securities so that securities exist only as accounting records. 無形化:消除實物憑證或代表證券所有權的契約文件,使證券僅以會計記錄的形式存在。