Dirve 驅動器;ACVV dirve 交流調壓拖動;hyperbolic wheel dirve 雙曲線齒輪傳動;dirve group numbering 驅動組的排號;rigid dirve axle 非獨立懸架式驅動橋;
1.Kowloon is less than an hour's dirve to the south of Shenzhen. 九龍在深圳南面不足一小時車程之遠。
2.Dirve-off can be detected as a series of rapid clicks upon driving off the first time the car is started. 汽車啟動後第一次起步時,「駛離」檢測可從一系列急速的卡嚓聲中被覺察到。
3.Today somebody even said she/ he could dirve these babies to san diego, where some people could adopt them. 一直浮現在我腦海裡,抹不去。這裡的朋友都有愛心,所以想問問有沒有人願意給小貓咪一個家。