drakensberg['drɑ:kənzbə:g]n. 德拉肯斯堡(非洲東南部山脈名)
Drakensberg 德拉肯斯山脈;山脈;龍山山脈;斯堡山脈;Drakensberg resorts 龍山渡假區;Drakensberg Mountains 壯觀的德拉肯斯堡山脈;Drakensberg Park 德拉肯斯山公園;Serinus symonsi Drakensberg Siskin 西摩氏絲雀;
2. The Sentinel Trail is one of the gentler hiking routes into the Drakensberg Plateau. This trail can be found in which national park? 問題42通向德拉肯斯堡高原的相對緩和一些的徒步路徑是哨兵路。這條路屬於下列哪個國家公園?
2.The rich foliage, roots, and bulbs on the slopes of South Africa's Drakensberg Range attract a wide variety of mammals, including eland, the world's largest antelope species. 南非德拉肯斯堡山脈遍佈枝葉,根莖的山坡吸引著包括大羚羊-世界上最大的羚羊種類-這樣的哺乳動物。
3.Located within Drakensberg Park is the Giant's Castle Nature Reserve, which gets its name from the silhouette of the peaks and escarpment that resemble the profile of a sleeping giant. 身處於德拉肯斯堡公園,就好像是一個巨人城堡自然保護區,而這個說法得名於德拉肯斯堡公園的山峰和懸崖的輪廓酷似一個熟睡的巨人的側面。