left-off['left'ɔf]adj. 脫掉的;不用的
left-off 不用的;left-off unused 不用的;left-off movement (汽車)左轉駛出行駛;Automatically continue where you left off - 自動繼續您的不放過;turn left off --- 離開…向左拐;
1.I left the cordoned-off area and caught the ceremony in the lobby of a big, cushy hotel not far from the stadium. 我離開了警戒區,並在距離體育場不遠處的一個大酒店內觀看了開幕式。
2.Physical treatment restored full use of her hands and feet, and helped solve the problem that occasionally left her off-balance. 物理治療使她的雙手和雙腳也全部恢復了功能,同時幫助解決了偶爾身體會失衡的問題。
3.This, however, is relatively small, particularly since the publicly funded RTCJ alone is set to absorb one-fifth of the Y50 trillion still left to pay-off. 50兆日元並不算多,特別是考慮到日本金融重建基金(RTCJ)建立之後將吸收掉其中的五分之一,這筆債務相對而言是比較小的。