memoriesn. 記憶(memory的複數);回憶
Memories 回憶;回憶三部曲;愛比記憶…;記憶;Inotera Memories 華亞科技;華亞半導體;華亞半導體公司;Stained Memories 玷污的記憶;彩虹的記憶;bubble memories 磁泡記憶;optical memories 光 學 標 記 閱 讀 器;
1.The book evoked memories of his boyhood. 此書喚起了他對童年的回憶。
2.I envy you your peace of mind, your clean conscience, your pure memories. 我羨慕你寧靜的心緒,純潔的良心和清白無暇的回憶。
3.In practice, that meant asking them about past behaviour, and relying on the accuracy of their memories. 這實際上意味著詢問他們過去的行為並依賴於他們記憶的準確性。
Creditors have better memories than debtors. - 放債人的記性比借債人好。
All my best memories come back clearly to me, some can even make me cry. - 所有美好的記憶又在我腦海清晰地浮現了,有些甚至還令我哭泣。
and his hero was firmly rooted in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier. - 他塑造的英雄人物深深地扎根於他本人的記憶和經歷之中,也扎根於有關已經消失的拓荒生活的歷史和神話之中。
Many people will sleep and eat on the marae during these three days and share their memories of the dead person. - 許多人還會在這3天期間吃住在集會地,以共同悼念亡人。