





r. maybe ,mayhap ,peradventure ,perchance


perhaps[pə'hæps, præps]adv. 也許;可能n. 假定;猜想;未定之事


perhaps 或許;可能;也許;假定;PERHAPS LVOE 也許是愛;PERH Perhaps 也許;Perhaps Love 如果·愛;如果愛;或許是愛;或許愛;Perraps perhaps 也許,也許;也許,也許;


1.Perhaps loses you now is my loss. 或許現在失去你是我的損失。

2.You like him perhaps more than me. 或許你喜歡他比喜歡我要多。

3.Perhaps I can forget who they are. 也許可以讓我忘記自己是誰。


If we cancelled third world debt, perhaps those countries could start to rebuild. - 如果我們取消第三世界債務,也許那些國家就會開始重建。

Well, then, perhaps we can get together another time. - 也許我們可以另找時間聚一聚。

Things owned for a long time are full associations with the past, perhaps with relatives who are dead, - 東西擱得時間久了,便會充滿著與過去歲月的聯繫,比方說與死去的親戚有關。

Soon the hobby leads to travel, perhaps to a meeting in another town, possibly a trip abroad in search of a rare specimen, for collectors are not confined to any one country. - 用不了多久,有這種愛好的人便開始旅行,也許是去另一個城市參加會議,也可能是出國尋找一件珍品,因為收藏家是不分國籍的。

wants agreement on general principles, which could be applied to many types of products and perhaps extended to other countries. - 則希望就普遍的原則取得一致,而這些原則適用於許多不同產品,同時可能延伸到其它國家。

If it is not a question of resting the body, then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting? This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors. - 如果睡眠的功能不是在於使身體得到休息,那麼也許是讓大腦得以休息?若不是下面兩點,這種假使似乎是有道理的。

the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft. - 其中最新奇的要數氣墊船了。

That is perhaps why sculpture has been described as the most difficult of all arts; - 雕塑被說成是所有藝術中最難的藝術,可能就是這個道理。

We can perhaps forgive those who said the moons of Jupiter were produced by Galileo's spyglass if we recall that in his day, as for centuries before, curved glass was the popular contrivance for producing not truth but illusion, untruth; - 如果我們回想一下伽利略之前幾個世紀期間,曲面鏡一直是一種用於產生幻影而不是產生真像的把戲裝置,那麼我們就會原諒那些當時把伽利略觀察到的木星衛生說成是伽利略用他的小望遠鏡變出來的人們,

They have a character, perhaps two; - 他們心中有一個或兩個角色。

Although perhaps only 1 per cent of the life that has started somewhere will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns, - 雖然在已經產生生命的某個地方,可能只有1%會發展成高度複雜有智力的生命形態,

and you can be sure that none of our five advisers would have suggested sinking all(or perhaps any) of your money into Periwigs. - 可以相信5位經紀人中不會有人建議你把全部(或一部分)資金投入佩裡威格斯公司。

and perhaps convertibles or the income shares of split capital investment trusts. - 可能還有可換證券,或分割資本投資信託公司的所得股。

I hope not. She says she's got a headache and a cough. Perhaps she's caught a cold. - 我也但願如此。她說有點頭痛,還咳嗽。也許是感冒了。

There's a talk on cancer that might be quite interesting, so perhaps I'll go to that. - 有個關於癌症的報告可能很有意思,也許我會聽聽。

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