Bonita Boyd 博尼塔·波伊德;Boyd 白種人的;布德 塞爾特 金髮的;塞爾特 金髮的;布德,塞爾特金髮的;William Boyd 波伊德;博伊德;Boyd Gaming 博德賭業;波伊德博彩;Boyd Clarke 克拉克;
1.Boyd is sick . He is _ at _ home . 鮑伊德生病了。他人在家裡。
2.Boyd tried to palm off a secondhand radio as a new one on Crane. 博伊德企圖把一架用過的收音機冒充新的賣給克蘭。
3.RI President William B. Boyd introduces his family during the kickoff of the 2007 RI Convention. 國際扶輪社長威廉
4.In a similar vein, Brian Boyd from the University of Auckland in New Zealand believes art is a form of intellectual play, allowing us to explore new horizons in a safe environment. 本著同樣的精神,來自新西蘭的奧克蘭大學的布賴恩·博伊德則認為,藝術是一種形式的智力遊戲,它容許我們在安全的環境下探索新的視野。
5.Salt Lake City - During the Rotaract preconvention meeting, RI President William B. Boyd honored innovative projects by Rotaract clubs, which form an integral part of the family of Rotary. 鹽湖城–扶輪青年服務團年會會前會期間,國際扶輪社長威廉