ecscabbr. 歐洲通訊衛星委員會(European Communications Satellite Committee);歐洲煤鋼聯營(European Coal and Steel Community)
ECSC 歐洲煤鋼共同體;共同體;歐州石炭鐵鋼共同體;European Coal and Steel Community;ECSC EuropeanCommunicationSecurityAgency 歐洲通信安全局;ECSC EuropeanCommunicationSatelliteCommittee 歐洲通信衛星委員會;ECSC Early Classmark Sending Control 早期類標發送控制;Early Classmark Sending Control ECSC 盡早類別發送控制;
1.Thus, when Schuman made his ECSC proposal, Adenauer instantly gave it his immediate support. 所以等到舒曼提議籌組煤鋼共同體時,艾氏便毫無考慮地加以支持。
2.As precursor to the present-day European Union (EU), the ECSC's existence over the past half century has transformed Europe and had a major impact upon the world. 歐洲煤鋼共同體為歐洲聯盟的前身,半個世紀以來,它的存在改變了歐洲,影響了世界。
3.In 1973, Britain, Ireland and Denmark joined the ECSC, followed by Greece in 1981, Spain and Portugal in 1986 and, most recently, Austria, Finland and Sweden in 199
5. 英國隨後與愛爾蘭及丹麥於1973年加入,希臘於1981年加入,西班牙、葡萄牙於1986年加入,最近則由奧地利、芬蘭與瑞典於1995年加入。