handedness 利手;偏手性;用右手或左手的習慣;用手習慣;right handedness 右利手;右旋;left handedness 左利手;左利;large-handedness 手大;right-handedness 右利;右手性;
1.Then they began to talk about left-handedness and right-handedness. 然後他們開始談論左撇子和右撇子。
2.Then they began to talk about left-handedness and right-handedness. 然後他們開始談論左撇子和右撇子。
3.Then they began to talk about left-handedness and right-handedness. 然後他們開始談論左撇子和右撇子。
4.The existence and development of high-handedness has both historical causes and practical basis. 霸王現象的存在和發展既有歷史的原因也有現實的基礎。
5.But Mr Gayoom's high-handedness seems as much to blame for the failings of the counter-terrorism effort. 但是加堯姆先生的高壓統治似乎也同樣應該為反恐怖努力的失敗而收到譴責。