ovrabbr. 改寫(Overwrite);覆蓋(Overload)
OVR 改寫;覆蓋文件格式(需要時裝載的部分程序)【後綴;橢圓形金屬環墊;程序覆蓋文件;Ovr The Tain Bow 飛越彩虹;OVR overwrite paraphrase recomposition rewrite 改寫;Clear Sky Ovr the Mountain 翻越山嶺的晴朗天空;Ovr sas and coast to coast 漂過大海 翻山越嶺;
1.The distance has sometimes seemed compounded by historical, philosophical and political gaps im ovr outlooks. 我們的歷史、哲學和政治觀點上的差異,有時好像擴 大了這個距離。
2.Ovr 410 foreign companies are now investing and settling in here for they harbor promising prospects of the city's market. 並有超過410家跨國公司來比投資,並且他們對比得哥什抱有非常大的希望。
3.Creating a player has the advantage that you have plenty of room to grow the OVR of your player over the course of the season. 新建一個球員的好處在於你將擁有足夠的空間在賽季中提高你的球員的整體能力。