shamashn. 沙瑪什(古巴比倫的太陽神)
Shamash 沙瑪什;沙馬什;夏馬西;太陽神;Yacov Shamash 雅科夫·司馬詡;Shamash-Napishtim 那皮什提姆;
1.In the upper part of the stela Hammurabi is shown in front of the throne of the Sun god Shamash. 在石碑的較上部分,漢謨拉比出現在太陽神夏馬須(也稱為「沙馬什」,巴比倫和亞述神話中的太陽神,象徵正義)的寶座前。
2.On his death, Babylonia was left to his elder son Shamash-shum-uk in, who eventually headed a revolt against his brother Assurbanipal. 在他去世的時候,巴比倫尼亞留給他的長子沙馬什-舒姆-烏金管理,他最後發起了一場反對他的兄弟亞述巴尼拔的起義。
3.The divine origin of the written law is emphasized by a bas-relief in which the king is depicted receiving the code from the sun god, Shamash. 書寫律法的神聖來源被一塊淺浮雕所強調,裡面刻著的國王被描述為從太陽神沙瑪什那裡獲取律法。