





n. townsfolk ,township ,townspeople


town[taun]n. 城鎮,市鎮;市內商業區


Town 鎮;城市;城鎮;市鎮;town hall 市政廳;城鎮;市政府圖片;城鎮公所;satellite town 衛星城;衛星城市;衛星城鎮;衛星市鎮;town gas 煤氣;城市煤氣;都市煤氣;家用煤氣;town planning 城市規劃;城鎮規劃;都市規畫;城 市 規 劃;


1.Can the town be secured against attack ? 能保護這個市鎮不受攻擊嗎?

2.The town has about a thousand inhabitants. 這個城鎮大約有一千個居民。

3.This park is (the safest) park in our town. 這是我們鎮上最安全的公園。


Where is the best spot in town to hang out at? - 城裡出去玩兒最好的地方在哪兒?

I'll be in town next week, maybe you could fit me in. - 我下個禮拜會在城裡,也許你能安排時間見我。

Thank you for reminding us that you will be in town next Wednesday and would like to discuss your printing services with Ms. Smith. - 謝謝你告訴我你下同週三將到達達鎮上並希望與史密斯夫人討論有關印刷服務問題。

Most of the building in this town are rather unattractive, but this church is an exception. - 這個城市中大部分建築都不太好看,但這座教堂是個例外。

I was born in a little town not far from here. - 我出生在離這兒不遠的小城市裡。

There is a car race near our town every year. - 在我們鎮子附近每年都有一場汽車比賽。

I live in a very old town which is surrounded by beautiful woods. - 我住在一個由美麗的樹林環繞的古老的小鎮上。

On Sundays, hundreds of people come from the city to see our town and to walk through the woods. - 每適星期天,有許許多人從城裡來觀賞我們的小鎮,並在樹林中散步。

He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. - 他剛買了一輛澳大利亞小汽車,現在去了澳大利亞中部的小鎮艾利斯斯普林斯。

On Wednesday evening, we went to the Town Hall. - 星期三的晚上,我們去了市政廳。

It was the last day of the year and a large crowd of people had gathered under the Town Hall clock. - 那是一年的最後一天,一大群人聚集在市政廳的大鐘下面。

They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. - 他們將乘火車來,鎮上的大部分青年人將到車站迎接他們。

He was a shrewd and wealthy businessman, but most people in the town hardly knew anything about this side of his life. - 他是個精明能幹、有錢的商人,但鎮上大部分人對他生活中的這一個方面幾乎一無所知。

Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life, only one of hem has ever gone to live in the country and he was back in town within six months. - 儘管他們都交口稱讚寧靜的鄉村生活的種種優點,但其中只有一個人真去農村住過,而且不足6個月就回來了。

Even he still lives under the illusion that country life is somehow superior to town life. - 即使他也仍存有幻覺,好像鄉村生活就是比城市生活優越。

Some of my acquaintances in the country come up to town once or twice a year to visit the theatre as a special treat. - 我在鄉村有一些熟人,他們每年進城來看一回或幾回戲,並把此看作一種特殊的享受。

The family lived in Aberdeen, a small town of 23,000 inhabitants in South Dakota. - 這戶人家住在南達科他州一個人口為23,000 的小鎮上,鎮名為阿拜丁。

We had spent several days in a small town and visited a number of old churches in the vicinity. - 我們在一座小鎮上逗留了幾天,參觀了附近的許多古老的教堂。

So I drove back to the town and began to retrace the route, taking frequent glances at the map. - 於是我駕車返回小鎮,重新按路線行駛。

Vera's curious talent was brought to the notice of a scientific research institute in the town of Ulyanovsk, near where she lives, - 維拉的特異功能引起了她家附近烏裡揚諾夫斯克城一個科研單位的注意。

I'll be back in town next month. - 我下個月會再回這裡來。

Gum Tree? Is it here --near the town of Ashland? - 桉樹?是在這兒--靠近阿什蘭德鎮吧?

Yes. Ashland is a small town about eight kilometres from the city of Richmond. - 對。阿什蘭德是一個距裡士滿市大約8公里的小鎮。

I was born in England -- in a small town near London. - 我生於英格蘭--倫敦城附近的一個小鎮。

I was born in a town near London. But we live in London now. - 我出生於牛津附近的一個小鎮。不過我們現在住在倫敦。

One day, the Shutes heard that there was a good doctor in a town not far away. - 有一天,舒特家人聽說不遠的鎮上有一位好醫生。

Dad will take me to our home town in Jiangxi. We'll visit our grandparents there. - 爸爸將帶我到江西老家去。我們將去看望在那裡的祖父母。

We could visit the town of Aswan. - 我們可以遊覽阿斯旺城。

The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. - 城裡大多數人都希望促進這一地區工業的發展。

All the same, I expect you'll enjoy coming into town now and again. - 我也有同感,我希望你能時不時到鎮上來開心的玩兒。

Fred Pearson was walking through the university town of Oxford one morning in 1961. - 1961年的某個早上,弗雷德·皮爾遜正步行通過牛津大學城。


town folks - 城裡人

town refuse - 城鎮垃圾

town sewage - 城鎮污水

waste water from town gas plant - 煤氣廠廢水


衛生先進城市現化 - health pioneer town project

n.煤氣廠廢水 - waste water from town gas plant


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