





Allocates the manpower to the work position and controls with the help of the foremen the quality of the work 分配工作並在生產主管的配合下控制工作質量;Allocates the manpower to the work position and controls with the help of the foremen the quality of the work 分配工作並在生產主管的配合下控制工作質量;Work proactively with responsible attitude and reliable for any assigned work by the company 工作積極主動,有責任心,能夠認真踏實完成公司安排的每項工作;工作積極主動,有責任心,能夠認真踏實完成公司安排的每項工作;figure out work out work out at 計算出;break in get busy go into operation set about one's work set to work 開始工作;


1.Enhance clients' work skills through simulated work tasks, and facilitate clients' return to work through Functional or Work Capacity Evaluation, work hardening and work resettlement service. 透過工作能力評估、工作強化計劃及工作重置服務,協助病者重返就業。

2.Core courses: Introduction of Social Work, Case Work, Group Work, Community Work, Social Work Administration, Conspectus of Social Security, Social Welfare Thought and Social Policy. 主要課程:社會工作導論、個案工作、小組工作、社區工作、社會工作行政、社會保障概論、社會福利思想、社會政策。

3.Work quietly and quietly work, serious work . even if it is unloveliness also love their work. Do not***plain, should not be given up lightly. 靜靜的工作著、默默的工作著、認真的工作著,就算不可愛也要熱愛自己的工作,不要抱怨、不要輕易放棄。

4.Work quietly and quietly work, serious work . even if it is unloveliness also love their work. Do not complain, should not be given up lightly. 靜靜的工作著、默默的工作著、認真的工作著,就算不可愛也要熱愛自己的工作,不要抱怨、不要輕易放棄。

5.VDT work differs from conventional office work and workshop work in terms of the form of work and the influence on the operator. VDT作業的作業形態、對作業者生理和心理的影響不同於傳統的辦公室作業和車間作業。


No. She's at work now. - 不在,她正在上班。

If I had it towed over there, could you work on it right away? - 如果把車拖到你們那裡,能馬上修嗎?

We hope so! It's always good to work with you, Tom. - 希望如此!湯姆,和你們合作總是很愉快。

When would you be available to start work here? - 你什麼時候可以開始來這邊上班?

Have you ever done any work in this field? - 你曾經幹過這一行嗎?

Why were you out of work for so long? - 你為何這麼久沒有工作?

What kind of people do you work with? - 你最喜歡和哪類人合作?

I like to work with people who are honest, dedicated to their work. - 我喜歡與一些誠實並對工作投入的人合作。

Can you work under pressure? - 你能在壓力下工作嗎?

I'm exhausted. I had to work until 2 o'clock this morning. - 我累死了。我一直得干到今天早上2:00。

Take it easy. Don't work too hard. - 悠著點。不要操勞過度。

I've been in China to work on the new project. - 我一直在中國搞一個新項目。

Oh, I see. I've had lots of work to do in New York. - 哦,原來如此。我在紐約也有好多工作要做。

Yes, I can have a break from all this tired work in the office. - 好哇,這樣我就可以暫時忘卻累人的工作了。

Well, I guess we all have to take our mind off work once in a while. - 對,我們都應該忙裡偷閒。

I don't want to work for minimum wage. - 我可不想為拿這麼微薄的工資而工作。

You work too hard, Susan. - 太拚命工作了, Susan。

I'll have to work for years to pay off my college loan. - 我得工作好幾年才能還清助學貸款。

I work part time in the summer to pay for my tuition. - 我夏天做兼職來支付學費。

My boss expects me to work day and night. - 我的老闆恨不得我一天到晚地工作。

I work on the school magazine. - 我在校雜誌社工作。

Hey, do you work out? - 嘿,你鍛煉嗎?

I work out at the gym everyday. - 我每天都在體育館進行鍛煉。

I work out because women love buff men. - 我鍛煉是因為女人們喜歡看起來健康的男人。

What line of work are you in? - 你做哪一行的?

She has to work late tonight. - 她今晚得工作得晚一些。

I do some work for Smith and Dale,Your company's accounting firm. - 我為貴公司的會計顧問公司 Smith和Dale事務所裡做一些工作。

I have a lot of work to do to get ready for tomorrow. - 我得為明天做許多準備工作。

but my work keeps me busy. - 但我老是忙於工作。

I could work out in your class with no problem. - 如果我去你的班上做運動, 一定不會覺得有問題。

but he has to work today, - 但他今天工作忙,

I'll work on my computer. - 我要練電腦。

Maybe you can teach me how to work on a computer someday. - 改天你教教我如何使用電腦吧。

you need to work at it, Grandpa. - 你得常練它, 爺爺。

My paper work will wait. - 文書工作可以緩一緩。

Let me try to work something out. - 讓我想個辦法。

Well, don't work all night. - 好啦, 別通宵工作。

but I have work to do. - 但我有工作要做。

Yes. I'm a designer, and I work in a boutique. - 是的, 我是位設計師, 我在一家服裝店工作。

there isn't any work for a retired person my age. - 沒有我這種年紀的退休老人的工作。

Tomorrow. Harry has an account to work on today. - 明天。Harry今天有項會計工作要做。

and work begins at eight in the morning for me. - 早晨八點我就得開始工作。

I can take the bus to work ... - 我可以坐公共汽車上班……

I'm sorry I missed him. I had to work late. - 很抱歉我錯過了他醒著的時候。我必須工作到很晚。

Surprise parties don't always work out. - 驚喜派對不是每次都成功的。

On a studect visa, full-time work is not permitted. - 持學生簽證的話,不允許做全職工作。

Most people I meet have some English ability, but the ones who work hard at it really stand out from the crowd. - 我遇到的多數人都會點英語,但只有那些刻苦學習的人才鶴立雞群,給我深刻印象。

Yes, I'm applying to work at the library. - 是的,我在申請圖書館管理員的工作。

You work hard on all your committees, - 而你總是在各種委員會裡忙,

and you work late. - 也工作到很晚。


n. work angle - 作功角度

n. work distance - 作功距離

net work index - 淨功指數

work function - 功函數

n. work hardening factor - 加工硬化因子

n. work hardening factor - 加工硬化因數

n. work hardened surface layer - 加工硬化表面層

n. work roll shift - 加工輥位移

n. work roll bender - 加工輥彎曲機

labor strength; work intensity - 勞動強度

work efficiency - 勞動效率

work metabolic rate - 勞動新陳代謝率

work therapy; worktherapy - 勞動治療

work physiology - 勞動生理學

art work tape - 原圖信息帶

n. work lead - 地線

work sheet; worksheet - 工作圖

work model - 工作模型

n. work piece - 工作物

work environment - 工作環境

occupational therapy; occupationaltherapy; work therapy; worktherapy - 工作療法

work simplification - 工作簡化

n. work index - 工作索引

work capacity - 工作能力

n. work angle - 工作角度

work load; workload - 工作負荷

amount of work; work load; workload; n. workover - 工作量

work and recreational therapy - 工娛治療

occupational therapy; occupationaltherapy; work therapy; worktherapy - 工療

left ventricular work index - 左心室作功指數

cardiac work index - 心動指數

cardiac work index - 心臟作功指數

cardiac work index - 心臟工作指數

work sheet; worksheet - 操作圖

n. work time - 有效工時

work up; workup - 檢杳

stroke work index - 每搏作功指數

n. hot work tool steel - 熱工作工具鋼

n. work lead - 生鉛

n. work out - 研究出

work in dusty environment - 粉寺作業

mental work hygiene - 腦力勞動衛生

diastolic work index - 舒張工作指數

n. work out - 鍍前處理

high temperature operation; work in hot environment - 高溫作業


工作能力 - ability to work

n.勞動適應 - adaptation to work

n.工作量 - amount of work

n.原圖信息帶 - art work tape

n.有用功 - available work

n.潛函作業 - caisson work

n.心臟作功 - cardiac work

n.心動指數,心臟工作指數 - cardiac work index

n.日常工作 - day-today work

n.舒張工作指數 - diastolic work index

n.勞動持續時間 - duration of work

n.動力作業 - dynamic work

n.膨脹功 - expansion work

麻藥製作法 - fluorogram work method

工作強度 - heaviness of work

n.重勞動,重作業 - heavy work

改善進著作(工作) - improved work

n.左心室每搏作功 - left ventricular-stroke work

n.左心室作功 - left ventricular work

n.左心室作功指數 - left ventricular work index

n.輕作業 - light work

n.機械功 - mechanical work

n.醫療衛生工作 - medical and health work

醫療社會事業 - medical social work

n.腦力勞動 - mental work

n.腦力勞動衛生 - mental work hygiene

n.負功 - negative work

n.淨功指數 - net work index

n.滲透功 - osmotic work

n.正功 - positive work

n.勞動性質 - pqality of work

n.衛生工作方針 - principle of health work

n.程序升溫機件 - programmed temperature work

精神醫學社會工作者 - psychiatric social work

心理測驗 - psychological work test

n.定量操作 - quantitative work

n.勞動速率 - rate of work

紅十字事業 - Red Cross work

n.調節功 - regulatory work

n.搶救工作 - rescue work

交替運轉 - shift work

社會工作 - social work

n.標準工作 - standardized work

n.靜力作業,靜態作業 - static work

n.每搏作功 - stroke work

n.每搏作功指數 - stroke work index

n.心室作功 - ventricular stroke work

n.潛水作業 - water diving work

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