





stretch nylon woollen nylon woollie nylon elastic nylon stretched nylon 彈力尼龍;stretch nylon woollen nylon woollie nylon elastic nylon stretched nylon 彈力尼龍;stretch nylon woollen nylon woollie nylon elastic nylon stretched nylon 彈力尼龍;stretch nylon woollen nylon woollie nylon elastic nylon stretched nylon 彈力尼龍;stretch nylon woollen nylon woollie nylon elastic nylon stretched nylon 彈力尼龍;


1.The main products include three series of nylon core yarn , nylon wrap yarn and nylon wrap thread . 主導產品為氨綸包芯紗,氨綸包覆絲,氨綸包覆線三大系列。

2.Its annual export volume of nylon tyre cord fabric, nylon canvas and nylon charger has reached more than 5000 tons. 錦綸簾子布、錦綸帆布、錦綸子口布的年出口量達5000多噸。

3.Its annual export volume of nylon tyre cord fabric, nylon canvas and nylon charger has reached more than 5000 tons. 錦綸簾子布、錦綸帆布、錦綸子口布的年出口量達5000多噸。

4.Specializing in the production of PE rope, PP rope, polyester rope, nylon braided rope, such as series, nylon fishing wire, hasp silk, silk nets, PP wire brush, nylon brush wire, rope ball series. 專業生產PE繩、PP繩、滌綸繩、尼龍繩等編織系列,尼龍釣魚絲、搭扣絲、魚網絲、PP刷絲、尼龍刷絲、球繩系列。

5.It has included two series: nylon bonded and binder nylon, it has adhesived by high tenacity pllytser sewing thread and nylon thread. With strong tensile resistence. 分為內邦和外邦兩種。是在特多龍線、尼龍線中間用專用膠合的方法膠合在一起,不會散股,拉力強於一般普通線。


monofilament nylon suture - 單絲尼龍縫線

nylon impression tray - 尼龍印模托盤

polishing nylon disk - 尼龍拋光片

twisted nylon suture thread - 尼龍捻股線

needle with nylon base - 尼龍注射針

nylon impression tray - 尼龍線結紮

nylon pocket egg concentration method - 尼龍袋集卵法

nylon hammer - 尼龍骨錘

blood nylon filter - 血液尼龍過濾網

nylon threads - 錦綸絲線


n.血液尼龍過濾網 - blood nylon filter

n.單絲尼龍縫線 - monofilament nylon suture

n.尼龍注射針 - needle with nylon base

n.尼龍拋光片 - polishing nylon disk

n.尼龍捻股線 - twisted nylon suture thread

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