StRabbr. 潛艇用熱中子反應堆(Submarine Thermal Reactor)
STR 力量;短串聯重複序列;Suspend To Ram;微衛星;BLACK STR 黑電平擴展;STR STUTTGART 德國;斯圖加特(德國);STR - 同步發送/接收器;內存喚醒;強壯度;潛艇用熱中子反應堆;Str Up 提升力量;力量提升;
1.As an important genetic marker system, STR has been widely used in forensic individual identification, paternity test and other fields. STR作為重要的遺傳標記系統,已廣泛應用於法醫學個體識別、親權鑒定等領域。
2.It remains to be seen how strong the STR package is, because clearly the budget is tight, and the team will start the season with proven equipment. 至於STR車隊套件究竟有多強大仍然有待觀察,因為他們的預算比較緊,而且車隊將以上個賽季的裝備開始新賽季。
3.With the market competition increasing intensifying, businesses of all kinds have been trying to gain advantages through deployment of price str ategies. 隨著市場競爭的日趨激化,各類企業都在想方設法運用價格競爭策略,以求在競爭中佔居優勢地位。