bier[biə]n. 棺材;屍架;棺材架
Bier 啤酒;棺材;棺台,棺架;比爾;Alkohofreies Bier 無酒精啤酒;Frozen Bier 凍冰棺材架圖片;Bier n 啤酒;BAYERISCHES BIER 巴伐利亞啤酒;
1.It should be noted Mentioning that the consortium Zha Bier is seeking an investment in England's top clubs, Charlton and they are favored targets. 值得一提的是,扎比爾財團正在尋求投資一家英格蘭頂級俱樂部,而查爾頓是他們青睞的對象。
2.Penitence is something that enervates our spirit, causing a greater loss than the loss itself and making a bier mistake than the mistake itself. So never regret. 後悔是一種耗費精神的緒。後悔是比損失更大的損失,比錯誤更大的錯誤。所以不要後悔。
3.We will not only make the "pie" of social wealth bier by developing the economy, but also distribute it well on the basis of a rational income distribution system. 我們不只要通過發展經濟,把社會財富這個「蛋糕」做大,也要通過合理的收入分配製度把「蛋糕」分好。