bleacher['bli:tʃə]n. 漂白劑;漂白業者;露天看台
bleacher 漂白器,脫色罐;漂白劑;露天看台;漂洗機;Belimer bleacher 貝爾麥式漂白機;bleacher decolourant 漂白劑;Textile bleacher 釋義:紡織品漂白工;Bleacher Creatures 看台怪物;
1.ETG EICHNER TECHNIK GMBH is a company operating within many ranges and offers Stage engineering, Bleacher construction services as well as Stage building. ETG EICHNER TECHNIK GMBH是一家誠信的、高效能的生產商和服務商,該公司提供新型的、專門的產品,例如舞台搭建、舞台結構,舞台技術。
2.Bleacher can be used anything but when cleaning, do not want dehydration and drying as far as possible, want natural airing, lest destroy the simple sense of curtain itself. 清洗時決不能用漂白劑,盡量不要脫水和烘乾,要自然風乾,以免破壞窗簾本身的質感。
3.Bravor bleacher is specialized in bleaching intractable dirt, odor, tea dirt, coffee, blood stain and flavorings, etc that make white cloths and knitted material becoming whiter and cleaner. 百富多用途漂漬霸專業漂除頑固污漬、油漬、茶漬、食物漬、果汁、咖啡、調味料、血漬等,使白色衣物及織料更雪白更乾淨。