ysoabbr. [天]幼星體(young stellar object)
1.It is founded by YSO Culture Development Company, a branch of YSO Architectural &Interior Design Company, under the guide of the appraisal professionals and specialists since June 200
2. 由鑒定和投資收藏專業人士指導,北京亞仕歐文化發展公司(北京亞仕歐裝飾設計公司分公司)發起組織。會員名錄僅用於俱樂部的存檔和與會員聯絡。
2.By analyzing numerically the disks around a young stellar object (YSO) and a black hole, we can obtain: the dissipation can not be neglected as a magnetic field is in small threshold value; 通過分析年輕恆星周圍和黑洞周圍吸積盤的數值解可以得到:在磁場比較小的一段閾值內,這種耗散過程是不可忽略的;
3.By analyzing numerically the disks around a young stellar object (YSO) and a black hole, we can obtain:(1) The dissipation can not be neglected as the magnetic field is in small threshold value. 通過分析年輕恆星周圍和黑洞周圍吸積盤的數值解可以得到:(1)在磁場比較小的一段閾值內,這種耗散過程是不可忽略的。