v. abound ,break open ,erupt ,exploden. explosion ,fit ,flare-up ,fusilladea. busted ,ruptured
v. go off ,implode
burst[bə:st]vi. 爆發,突發;爆炸vt. 爆發,突發;爆炸n. 爆發,突發;爆炸
burst 爆炸,爆發;突發;破裂;脈衝串;burst up 失敗;爆炸;突然發怒;崩潰;Tone burst 猝發音;釋義:短純音;burst mode 成組方式;猝發方式;點放模式;區間狀態;burst out 冒出;猝發;突然(哭、笑、叫)起來;突然說出;
1.Her dress is so tight the seams are bursting. 她的外衣這麼緊身,縫口綻開了。
2.The dam burst after a week of rain. 這水壩在一星期的降雨後破裂了。
3.He burst a blood vessel. 他的一條血管破裂了。
I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset. - 我很抱歉這樣突然地找您,但我真的很心煩。
When Alex began to argue, Richard burst into a rage. - 當阿列克斯開始爭論時,理查德便大發雷霆。
The racer's car burst into flames just as he had crawled out. - 當賽車手爬出車子後不久,汽車就爆炸燃燒了起來。
Michael immediately burst into tears. - 麥克爾「哇」的一下子哭了出來。
From a little spark may burst a mighty flame. - 星星之火可以燎原。
I am so full that I would burst with another bite. - 我吃得如此之飽,我感覺我再吃一口肚子就要脹破了。
he had great difficulty in controlling the car because a tyre burst during the first run. - 但他很難把汽車控制住,因為在開始的行程中爆了一隻輪胎。
As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone burst out laughing. - 但他剛一開口說話,人們便哄堂大笑起來。
A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed the Challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to three miles deep, - 海洋中很多地方可深達兩三英里,
I'm sorry to burst in on you like this, but I'm really upset. - 我很抱歉這樣突然地找您,但我真的很心煩。
Then she touched me lightly on my arm and made me burst into laughter. - 然後她輕輕地觸摸我的手臂,使我哈哈大笑。
n. rock burst prediction - 岩石爆破預測
fast burst reactor - 快中子脈訓堆
burst height - 爆炸高度
burst forming unit-erythroid - 紅細胞系爆裂形成單位
burst injury of lung - 肺爆震傷
burst size - 釋放數
n.空中爆炸 - air burst
n.觸地爆炸 - contact surface burst
n.封閉式地下爆炸 - contained underground burst
食道靜脈破裂 - esophagus varix burst
n.快中子脈訓堆 - fast burst reactor
n.高人核爆炸 - high-altitude nuclera burst
n.地面爆炸 - land surface burst
n.每搏脈頻 - pulses per burst
n.水面爆炸 - sater surface burst
單一破裂,單爆 - single burst
爆發波 - spike burst
突發性,紡錘波 - spindle burst
n.地面爆炸 - sruface burst
n.地表下爆炸 - sublethal burst
n.地下爆炸 - underground burst
n.水下爆炸 - underwater burst